Keywords | mesh weights |
Repository | repo:editor |
Assignee | assignee:nate |
Author | author:nate |
Commenter | commenter:nate |
Issue number | #256 |
Milestone | v3.8 |
Label | label:bug |
Pull requests | pr |
Negate | -repo:runtimes |
Add an option for stylus users to have hotkeys available while holding the mouse button
[cpp] skeletonJson version mismatch might cause a memory leak.
Weight cursor-icon often in the way
Middlemouse + Ctrl to zoom is inverted and inconsistant with other software and mouse wheel-behaviour
Please make multi-select + DEL-key work in bones list of Weights panel
[ts][pixi] Fix atlas src cannot be resolved for preferred texture
If the parent bone of a slot with keys is different, the keys of the parent bone are imported to a different bone when animations are imported.
Importing PSD after renaming the root bone causes an error
Existing pages are not overwritten when the atlas is packed in JPEG format with JSON or Binary format export.
Please don't exit Mesh Edit mode when hitting Ctrl+S to save
The key button next to the slot can be too delayed to turn back from orange to its original color.
[godot] Constraints do not mix out properly when animation is set with TimeScale set to 0
Allow changing options of multiple skeletons at once
[ts][threejs] Custom shader ignores light and shadows
Unable to add vertices when tracing a mesh in versions 4.2.31 and later
Easier way to reverse the order of the keys
When duplicating multiple bones, the suffix number should take precedence over the order of creating the bones.
Ctrl/cmd prevents to properly switch tool in edit mesh mode
[ios][libgdx]premultipliedAlpha Rendering Issue on iOS Compared to Android
[ts][pixi] v8 support
face traking expression
Moving bones between skeletons may change the slot order.
Update Attachment.ts Fix Nan
Improve image/video export when all skeletons are exported together to export multiple animations
Easier skin merging
Exposed list optimizations
[godot][feature request] SkeletonRenderSeparator/SkeletonPartsRenderer nodes or alternative
[spine-ts] Spine-player continuously adding memory on looping animation in iphone Safari
Improve mesh resize detection
HTML export option!
Add option to customize the naming of exported PNG/JPEG sequence images
CLI parameter to create export settings JSON from a project's last export
Set FPS to animation clip which is autogenerated by skeleton mecanim
Add an option to change the direction of Zoom Drag for stylus users
Add a feature to apply basic shapes to path attachments
Solo Slot function
Add a feature to save Dopesheet Filter presets
Add "per skin" packing
[request] limit axis and ranges on bones (especially for usages with transform constraints)
Add a copy button for the common export settings to other export types in the Export window
[request] please make mouse wheel zoom in dope sheet work everywhere in the dope sheet area, like the graph editor
Please show confirmation dialog when export files already exist instead of overwriting these
[request] Please auto popup bone naming dialog input after hitting new --> bone
IllustratorToSpine shows an error in Illustrator v26: "Can't load XMP Script library"
Allow linked meshes to be moved to a different slot
HTML export option
Ruler and guides
Renaming or duplicating a sequence attachment removes space at the end of the image path
Easy-to-manage 360-degree rotation
Dialog to choose attachment image path/name
Add a hotkey to hide the editor window for macOS.
Add an option to delete skin placeholders that have attachments when deleting a skin
Allow creating folders for animations by typing forward slashes
Viewport rotation
Allow smoothing using all triangle edges
Add hotkeys to switch Dopesheet and Graph filters
Duplication of attachments between skins
Single toggle for turning ghosting on/off
Option to show animation name in exports
[request] Please make it possible to only select keyframes of currently selected channel in Graph while keeping the others visible
[request] please make it possible to in- and/or exclude slots from ghosting
Allow swapping RMB and MMB
Keep the curve even if the key to be pasted has the same value as the key
[request] Doubleclick on preview window canvas to make it full screen
Settings to play a sequence automatically
Please make the export filename(s)/folder name visible in the export dialog
[request] Please split 'Toolbar position' setting to set differently for SETUP and ANIMATE mode
Linked path attachments for skins
Allow custom frame numbers on the timeline
Allow to separate top/down and left/right of transform constraints
Allow to scale the root bone ignoring the inherit scale option
Add settings to optimize atlas PNGs in texture packer settings
Mute timeline
Add hotkeys to move slots to the topmost or the bottommost of the Draw order
Add a way to specify many skin names to export
Allow easier configuration of skins for different proportions
Add an option to constrain the X and Y axis values of each transformation
Auto weights for clipping and bounding boxes
Hide/Show everything except the selected item
Add an eyedropper tool for the color chooser
Per key setting for smoother curves
Problems view
Warning filter in the tree
Distance based auto weights
Improve moving rigging across skeletons
Create export viewports in the editor viewport
Bulk unbinding bones from meshes
Multiple image folder paths
Modifier key to copy when dragging tree nodes
Support Maya-like default hotkeys
Moving an Attachment to a different Slot does not move keys
Consolidate files
Duplicate folders
Separate the ability to select from the one to edit in the viewport
Compensation to work also when pasting transforms
Skin sets
Add an all skeletons row in the dopesheet
Allow different types of objects to be selected and moved
Snap to whole or half numbers
Copy/Paste special for meshes and attachments
Improve reset mesh in setup mode to keep mesh deform keyframes
Improved timeline zoom behavior
Bone scale per project
Select checkbox for skeletons
Allowing ghosting of single meshes
Weights view improvements
Advanced tree filters
Timeline markers
Moving skin placeholders across skeletons loses the skin contents that aren't active
Allow export paths relative to the spine project file location
Allow changing hotkey for tool selection toggle (RMB)
Show only visible skins in the tree
Allow the Slot Color view to set colors for bones and attachments
More options for selecting bones
Mesh UV texture offset
Alignment tools
Custom wireframe color for meshes
Warn user before saving if the file on disk changed
Proportional bone splitting
Duplicate attachment dialog
Skin properties row for attachments
Scroll timeline horizontally with mouse scroll wheel
Skeleton locking
Add type-to-search and type-to-filter to Animations list
Improve stored selections
Motion blur for image/video export
Show slot properties when an attachment is selected
Import animation from CLI
Range constraints
Easier scaling of animation speed/dopesheet key spacing.
Preview view improvements
Allowing ghosting of bones
Menu for selecting an attachment under the mouse
Allow bone order to be changed
Tinting multiple slots at once
Allow Tint Black on region attachments.
Separate views for tree sections: constraints, draw order, events, images, audio
Save current views layout
Hide unkeyed bones to reduce clutter
Mesh Manipulation: mirrored vertex creation
Multi-Monitor Support for editor
Allow aligning attachments with bones outside of Setup Pose.
ctrl+shift+arrow_down to select all children instead of just the first
Hotkey editor
Mesh soft selection: graph
Mesh manipulation: primitive shapes
Mesh manipulation: lasso selection
Motion paths for ghosting
Let Texture Packer pack pages according to setup pose draw order.
Per-vertex colors
Setup mode compensation
Copy/paste attach keys to other slots
Hotkey for centering on current selection
Non-destructive offset+shift for secondary motion.
Better communicate the difference between slot visibility and keyed slot attachment.
Constrain different transform properties
Allow numeric input for vertices
Mesh manipulation: rotate/scale vertices in edit mode
Copying keys to another bone should support multiple bones like when copying bone poses
Bounding circles
Sync first and last keys for looping animations
Skin change keys
Math expressions for transform numeric input
Show key values on hover
Name / value annotations
Timeline annotations
Mark portions of an animation to export as multiple animations
Copying keys should use world or local space like copying bones
Color chooser presets
Skeleton attachments
Slot image chooser
Copy constructors for Skeleton and AnimationState.
API to support serializing AnimationState
[Godot] Add ability to see list of available animation events in editor
[ue] Allow loading assets from disk at runtime
[godot] no support for world position/rotation physics
[godot] Callbacks on `SpineTrackEntry`
[godot] getting bounding box of slot
[godot] Export templates for C# on iOS and Android
[ue] Fill mode for Spine widget
[godot] More controls in drive mode on SpineBoneNode
[godot] Expose SkeletonBounds and BoundingBoxAttachment
[godot] Expose Attachment API
[phaser] Add a way to easily add images to a skeleton
[spine-cpp] Reduce the number of calls to malloc
[c] Function to add a new named skin to Skeleton Data at runtime.
[ue4] Expose bounding box attachments to BP, add example for mouse intersection
[runtimes] Add IK following demo
[runtimes] Ensure all language runtimes have up-to-date code documentation
[runtimes] Check version and fail gracefully if runtime version doesn't match skeleton version
[cpp] Attachment cloning problems
[unity] Provide alternative to [SpineSkin] string with cached Skin reference
[monogame] Apply atlas page texture wrap settings in MeshBatcher
[unity] Refactor GetRemappedClone methods
[unity] Custom slot materials at SkeletonGraphic and SkeletonGraphicCustomMaterials
[unity] Support for UI Toolkit
[unity] AnimationReferenceAsset workflow improvements
[unity] Minor functional cleanup
[unity] Add an example scene demonstrating root motion scripts
[unity] `SkeletonRenderSeparator` ignores `Mask Interaction` mode of parent `SkeletonRenderer`
[unity] Use new multi-pass support of newer URP versions in shaders
[unity] Support SSRR reflections by Spine shaders in deferred render mode
[unity] Provide component interface to set combined skins
[unity] Provide Component interface for setting initial animations on tracks 1-N
[unity] Improve example scenes, description and structure
[unity] Performance improvement - parallelization
[unity] AtlasRegionAttacher creates unnecessary Material clones
[ts] spine-player: viewport alignment
[player] Example showing how to swap images
[ts] Add first event audio implementation to webplayer
[Godot] Support for 3D system
Spine for Ren'Py
[ts][player] Support audio events in web player
[libgdx] Use a tree for Skeleton Viewer skins and animations
[AnimationState] Wildcard for AnimationState mix data.
Screenshoting on macOS interferes with Wacom
[PhotoshopToSpine] Using `[scale]` tag and `Trim Whitespace` at the same time makes frame-by-frame animations wobbles
Export artifacts when anisotropic filtering is enabled on M1
Use a separate skeleton for Preview to match additive runtime behavior
Compensation will sometimes break Mesh Attachments on continuous transforming
Exporting very large images silently fails
LWJGL fails in certain display configurations on Linux
[ue] Duplicate events emitted if two or more events happen on the same frame
[godot] Expose PhysicsConstraint
[ue] Crash accessing deleted UTrackEntry as renderer object
[godot] Multiply blend mode broken in Godot +4.1.x
[godot] Fix SpineAtlasResource:: fix_path
[godot] Getting "Signal 'skeleton_data_changed' is already connected to given callable ..." error when opening scenes with SpineSprite
[godot] Error during creation of a SpineAnimationTrack node if the skeleton has animations under a folder
[spine-phaser] bounds not correct while using physics and scaleX -1
[godot] AnimationPlayer not working when using a scene node in another scene
[godot] Spurious errors when importing atlas pngs and Spine icon not showing up
[godot] Additive mix blending bug after track entries completed
Spine-player IOS 15.5 disposing player memory issues
[ue] Tint of normal blend mode attachment in mix-and-match is incorrect
[godot] Culling not applied to meshes in 4.0
[threejs] Sorting issue of attachment meshes for negatively scaled bones
[ue4] "Create collision" in editor mode with realtime on generates physix cache files each frame
[ue4] Bone follower not working as expected
[ts] Timeline Hold holds track entry too long
[ue4] BoneDriver and BoneFollower do not take actor scale into account
[unity] ArgumentOutOfRangeException at SkeletonGraphic.PrepareRendererGameObjects
[unity] GetRepackedSkin does not maintain blend modes
[unity] Mask interaction materials cause unnecessary batches
[unity] Prefab instance always lists MeshFilter as override
[unity] Mecanim animation preview windows
[ue] Assigning dynamic materials at runtime does not work
Image sequences missing in documentation Spine JSON file format
[unity] Main component restructuring
The `Strength+` and `Strength-` hotkeys for weights do not work
[unity] Delayed on-demand loading of Atlas assets
[unity] Clipping end attachment ignored when alpha is 0
[ue] Add `resetPhysicsConstraints()` blueprint function to skeleton component
[unity] Perforce auto check-out of unchanged files upon re-import
[android][libgdx]No implementation found for java.nio.ByteBuffer
`gl.getParameter(gl.VERSION).indexOf("WebGL 1.0") != -1;` causing error on Edge v128
There are some hotkeys that do not work when the `cmd` key is specified (macOS)
[ts] white screen in some mobiles
[unity] Physics constraints ignore Z movement when Y-rotated
[Godot 4.3] spinesprite with skin is not rendered at runtime unless skin is set in code.
[spine-pixi] I have set the texture's scale filter mode to NEAREST, but the effect remains LINEAR. I also tried `spineTexture.setFilters(spine.TextureFilter.Nearest, spine.TextureFilter.Nearest)`, but it still has no effect. Could you please advise?
Flutter runtime: fix varying Podfile.lock checksums by using standard pod target dir for HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
[unity] SkeletonRenderTexture meshFilter null when fix prefab override enabled
[android]Cannot display on Xiaomi MIX2
need godot 4.3 support
[ts] PMA with WEBP causes colored borders
[libGDX] Java 17 requirement for `4.2.6` release seems to be too strict
Port: Fixed mixing out inherit timelines to the setup pose.
iOS use cocopods has some problem
[ue] Make `Set Slot Color` available in Spine Widget.
[unity] URP shader compile errors on Unity 6
spine-player (ts) rendering fails on Android Chrome
[ts][threejs] fail to require assets
[ts][pixi] Spine pixi fixes
[spine-pixi] I need to load SkeletonData using a method other than resource names
[unity] error in URP's blend shaders when MainLight is disabled