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I was wondering if it's possible to use Spine in some way with 2DxFX asset on the assetstore.

I currently don't know how 2DxFX shader works but for some reason if you use their shader on top of a Spine object it renders completely invisible, but if you use it on top of a Sprite (with the sprite default material) it works. So if Spine works if you use the default material for sprites, even standard shader, why it doesn't work with 2DxFX? I think the shader would be applied on top of the texture for the atlas of the spine object, don't know why it renders invisible. For now my only solution is to export Spine animations as spritesheets but that totally destroys working with spine and blending animatinos, interpolating, etc.
I would like to use the effects and shaders provided with 2DxFX in conjunction with Spine animations. If it is impossible to do so, well it doesn't matter. I still can use it on other sprites and stuff not animated with Spine.
I made the mistake to buy Spine and then buy 2DxFX without thinking if it would be compatible, a beginner mistake in the world of Unity and assets.

Many thanks for the awesome support btw!

If 2DxFX can work well with characters/skeletons comprised of multiple, freely-transforming, and tightly-packed sprites, it should work fine with Spine and any other similar system.

The problem with 2DxFX would be if it works on the assumption that sprites are upright, ideally-full-rects with plenty of padding. This seems to be the case based on their demo videos, as much as it's downplayed.

Ok, and yes I think it works that way too, because there is a grass shader for example that If I use it in a grass or leave type sprite with a polygon mesh instead of a full rect mesh it looks bad, the wave gets cut by the polygon mesh boundaries, as if it were a full rect (with a lot of padding) the wave texture doesn't go out of the limits of the sprite mesh.
Thank you, it's sad to hear but is understandable 😉

Hi I have the same problem with you. I just bought Spine and 2DxFX without thinking if it would be compatible.Now I find that 2DxFX only works on [Sprite Renderer] while Spine Animation is based on [Mesh Renderer].
Is there anyway to use both of them ?

I tried to use their tools Shadero to compine 2DxFx shader with Spine default shader ,but I failed :sweat:
or Should I find some way of turning spine into a sprite animation? (Which I think will cause a lot of problems when calling Spine-Unity Runtimes APIs.)
