
  • Apr 24, 2023
  • Joined Aug 25, 2016
  • Hello everyone,

    My situation is the following (Unity):
    we have our character (it has lots of skins), and want to have the character silhouette (with same skin) show when it is behind walls.
    I read that we can use the stencil buffer to do this (walls write a number to the stencil buffer and then our character's silhouette material can compare to that number and tell the stencil wether to render it or not).
    What I'm afraid is that I would have to duplicate my character so the original material renders normally and the copy as a silhouette.
    Spine automatically detects and applies at runtime and at all times the corresponding material to the character and its skin on Unity, so I can't manually change what material to use. If I duplicate the character and make changes to its material at runtime (I'm using spine/sprite shader) for example to tint it red and also to make the stencil comparison it applies to both character and silhouette as they share the same material.
    How can I change through code the material of the duplicate without affecting the original character? (both share the same spine material assigned by its skin/atlas/etc)
    I'm afraid and somehow sure that its not a real solution to duplicate the whole character folder in order to have a silhouette material for the corresponding skin and the original material.

    I hope my question is clear to understand.

    • Thanks, and how do I save the modified shader? as .shader or .shadergraph, I recently tried to do that and Unity didn't recognize the shader as a shader in my list of shaders for the material.
      And what is the code that enables Z write?

    • Hello everyone,

      my question is how do I have similar "write to Z" feature from the spine/sprites shaders for a custom shader graph shader I did?

      I did a foliage sway shader that I use on the tree and bush sprites on my game, I want to use some depth of field post processing but the sprites that use my shader are always blurred because they don't write to Z, they use the sprite renderer. My sprites using the spine/sprite shaders do behave as intended with DoF because they do write to Z thanks to the feature of the Spine shaders. Is there any way to do that with my shader graph shader?

      I don't know how to code shaders so I use shader graph instead, and because of that I can't copy the code that enables Z write in the spine shaders to my custom shader graph shader or open the spine shaders and add the foliage sway (vertex displacement via a gradient noise)

      Thank you!

      Hopefully someone can help me with this.

    • Hello

      I have been working with Spine-Unity Runtime for a few projects and didn't notices this until now, because this is the first time we had to update the events that were placed in Spine multiple times for a Frame Perfect situation. I don't know if this is a bug, but maybe someone can help to know what is happening.

      First some info:

      • Unity Version: 2019.3.10f1
      • Spine Version: 3.8.97
      • RunTime: 3.8
      • I'm working with an Animator Controller with Spine-Mecanim system

      Now, when I add a new animation to the project and generate the animator controller for the first time, everything goes smooth and perfect, but after that it doesn't matter what changes I do in spine or how I modify the JsonFile, the project doesnt update the events inside the clips.

      I have forced the Update from animation clips in the SkeletonData, have re-imported all the files, manually changed the JsonFile to the correct times (even tried to add events from other animations).

      Even when I change all the names from the JsonFile, from the Atlas and the images, and with that create a new Animator controller (the clips still has the same name), the Events simply doesnt update to what is written inside the JsonFile. But if I use the exact same files in a new project all the events are updated correctly.

      In this situation I'm stuck with the first Events that I used for the animation clip or I'm forced to change them manually inside Unity.

      I hope is clear enough and someone can point me to the right direction to solve this.


    • Hi, Mauricio here,

      everything worked fine until 3.8.97. After updating to 3.9.88 or 3.9.89, everytime I go full screen or I maximize the Spine windows my screen goes black for a milisecond and then goes back on when I change the focus from any other window or desktop to Spine and viceversa. I guess that should only happen if I work fullscreen, but with a maximized windows it happens too, so both works like if I were working with a fullscreen app.
      I'm using windoes 10 with two monitors and I extend them. I work on monitor 1.


    • Hi!
      I saw that there is a beta for 4.0 and I wanted to know which are going to be the new features of 4.0 in general?
      I wasn't able to find a forum topic or changelog, or the future features that this will have 🙂

    • pascalkk wrote

      buddy,did you resolve the problem of using 2dxfx with spine?

      No, I haven't I actually don't know how to use both of them. I wish I could use the effects on top of Spine Animations.
      Let me know if you find something!
      Sorry for the late response.

    • Ok, and yes I think it works that way too, because there is a grass shader for example that If I use it in a grass or leave type sprite with a polygon mesh instead of a full rect mesh it looks bad, the wave gets cut by the polygon mesh boundaries, as if it were a full rect (with a lot of padding) the wave texture doesn't go out of the limits of the sprite mesh.
      Thank you, it's sad to hear but is understandable 😉

    • Hi!
      I was wondering if it's possible to use Spine in some way with 2DxFX asset on the assetstore.

      I currently don't know how 2DxFX shader works but for some reason if you use their shader on top of a Spine object it renders completely invisible, but if you use it on top of a Sprite (with the sprite default material) it works. So if Spine works if you use the default material for sprites, even standard shader, why it doesn't work with 2DxFX? I think the shader would be applied on top of the texture for the atlas of the spine object, don't know why it renders invisible. For now my only solution is to export Spine animations as spritesheets but that totally destroys working with spine and blending animatinos, interpolating, etc.
      I would like to use the effects and shaders provided with 2DxFX in conjunction with Spine animations. If it is impossible to do so, well it doesn't matter. I still can use it on other sprites and stuff not animated with Spine.
      I made the mistake to buy Spine and then buy 2DxFX without thinking if it would be compatible, a beginner mistake in the world of Unity and assets.

      Many thanks for the awesome support btw!

    • Wooow! many many thanks, because of ignorance I had some problems regarding re-rigging with different attachments size. But not anymore.
      And congratulations for the amazing support and the amazing tool you've build! This is by far one of the best purchases for developing games.
      Thank you!

    • Hi!
      I have a question regarding the export:

      I've been using Dragonbones for another project on a different company and Dragonbones has an option to scale the exported files (.json, .png and .atlas), for example if my drawing is coming from photoshop with a scale of 2048x2048 what I do in Spine is to scale it with the script in photoshop to 50% for example (You always have to draw textures bigger than you really need). In Dragonbones obviously I can do the same with the script before working inside Dragonbones, but at the same time Dragonbones let me scale it when exporting the .json, texture atlas and texture itself from Dragonbones.
      Can Spine do the same?
      scale the export files? .atlas, .png and the .json?
      Why I'm I asking this?
      because the advantage of this is that If I scale it when exporting I have the flexibility to change the scale of the files for Unity whenever I want because the data is not lost of the rig nor the animations. When I scale it from Photoshop with the script I have to re-do all the rig in Spine and because of that obviously all the animations, it's not simply replace the images because the rig will have a different size in comparison to the exported attachments.
      So in Dragon Bones if I rig and animate with the attachments at 1024x1024 or even 2048x2048, then I can re-scale them when exporting to whatever % of the size and that way I don't lose the rig and the animations. If I wanted 512x512 instead of 1024x1024 I just re-export with a 25% instead of 50% and done.

      Thank you!
      Maybe there is documentation for that but I haven't read it.
      Hopefully I explained it clearly.

    • Rayvell wrote

      I love the art style and mystery space atmosphere! Great work!

      Many thanks! one of the core elements of the development of this game is to achieve an appealing and misterious atmosphere. The other one is the story.
      Obviously we are aiming for entertaining core gameplay mechanics too.

      New enemy for the game, fully animated! Now we just need to add it to the game

    • Hi to vereyone, a year has passed and we have work so hard on this. We are currently working on a demo right now, we've been updating art and animation assets, and we've been working on new content too! We even released our first teaser for a demo we're working on. So much things here I will left you with the teaser:

      Also here are some images from new content:

      A video showcasing the new sector we're working on right now:

      And finally a reel of the animations done for the first boss of our game:

      If you're interested on being constantly updated with our progress you can...
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      And our devlog
      Thank you for the infinite support!!