When importing my most recent json and atlas into GMS2, it's consistently failing to find one particular region, which in turn means when that sprites tries to load, our game crashes.
I have tried a bunch of fixes but I will more than happily take and try ANY suggestions on how to remedy this problem.
A couple more things to note:
- Yes, the region is definitely set to export.
- The image is indeed in the texture file that exports with the json and atlas.
- The Region in question that's having trouble being found in GMS2, is in fact mentioned in the atlas file.
Like I said, I'll take any suggestions and happily try them!
Any more info I can provide, please let me know. It's my first time posting about a bug and I'm very sorry if this isn't enough info to go on - luckily, because I really need this fixed, I will be watching this post and will reply as soon as I can. I'll also happily let everyone know when and how it was fixed.
I won't be replying for the first 8 hours because I need to sleep, but after that, if you post here, expect a speedy response from me!
Thank you all in advance for your help.
Warmest Regards