- Edited
Hi, lets ask users what they would like to see in 3.8> version of Spine Editor. Here are few topics we have discussed with Nate so far.
If anyone has anything to say to it please do it here. Thank you, Marek.
Small things
- Alpha numeric sorting in hierarchy ( animations )
- Right click red key removes the key and turns it into green again
- Export options for events ( at least audio events )
Project "lock" file
Most of the teams today work over dropbox or other clouds. It happens often that two animators open the same project at the same time and do changes. Dropbox thankfully take care of this and we get conflicting files so that we can merge them. But still it is hassle. Simple solution would be to create "lock" file next the the spine project so whoever is trying to open that project that is already opened on other machine will be able only export it or view it.
Images Scale Factor
Imagine that you have exported AI file into Spine and already did all animations. That export resolution was for example targeted to 2k displays. Time goes by and there is need to make the whole already made animations for 4k devices. So if you regenerate AI file into Spine with 2x then spine simply won't correctly display the work done in past. And for that we need simple float value for each spine project ( may be skeleton ) which will determine exactly this scale ratio of images to original images that the Spine was first time animated with. ( It is a bit similar concept like pixelsPerUnit in Unity )
Check for Launcher Update
"Check for launcher update!" on onset just before you check for new spine version. And if possible download that new launcher and install it automatically. It takes pretty lot time with the cadence you post updates to install the spine launcher over and over again. May be it is not possible but for sure you see how to improve it.
Curve Editor
Mix Times View
For easing developers setting correct mix times in their respective engine it would be actually nice if Spine Editor can have Mix Times View where animators can prepare transition mix times so that all looks nice after export. If not defined the default 0.2 is used.
Link project...
Allows to link project into current project. The concept of linked project(s) allows us evolve characters in their respective spine projects but use them in production of animated movie/youtube episodes as needed. Also it will allows us to send more projects to different animators at once and once they are all done we can then link all those projects into one and composite final episode scene animations.
Animations grouping
Since linked skeletons workflow for Peppa Pig like episodes will result in many animations that are just situation and environment specific we need to group the animations into logical groups. For example Episode01, Episode02.... groups.
Saving/Loading Layouts
Respective in each mode ANIMATE/SETUP allow us to save and load layouts ( workspaces )
Animatable audio Volume and Pan
Right now we can only set Volume or Pan for specific audio event. Would be nice to have that be controlled with animatable curve.
Multimonitor setup
Currently spine editor is not capable detach views and put them on second monitor.
Animation View/Setup View
Would be nice if we can position also Animation View/Setup View as we needed. Current solution is also not bad given that the main canvas always stays on main monitor once you have detachable views implemented.
If this happens would be nice to have that ANIMATE and SETUP with humanoid T posture moved to the middle of the toolbar.
Tree views
Constraints, Draw Order, Skins, Events, Animations, Images, Audios View.
Add more views as we have currently Animation View. Not sure if it is good idea to have skeleton be selected in top combobox. Better is to list skeletons like in main Tree.
Tool Views
Currently all views are somehow mixed together. Nice categorisation would be very helpful
High resolution icons
On 4k and 5k displays the icons appear pixelated
Font retina support
On 5k retina the font is somehow scaled and pixelate. I guess a checkbox in settings "retina" could be possible solution. When checked double the size of generated font texture. If not SDF could be here possible solution for all font sizes.