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Check for Launcher update!
Hi Nate and Mario,
I would really appreciate if you guys can implement "check for launcher update!" on onset just before you check for new spine version. And if possible download that new launcher and install it automatically. It takes pretty lot time with the cadence you post updates to install the spine launcher over and over again. May be it is not possible but for sure you see how to improve it.
Thank you, Marek.
Hello, Spine already checks for updates and automatically updates itself. If a new launcher is required, it is a rare event and Spine requires manual download because if it simply could update those components by itself, it would.
Spine will still update itself even if you don't update the launcher, but at those rare times when the launcher changes, speed improvements or other core features that don't usually get improved, receive an update, the most recent case being the new export features requiring new Java features.
If it can reassure you, this is also the second time I had to update the launcher in 4 years, the previous time was for using Spine v2.