• Showcase
  • Tower Defense game made with Spine

I made a tower defense game using Spine for all of the animations -- it was great getting to learn the software and using it for the first time ^^

Trailer: Youtube
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Shibamaru.com.Shibamaru.GoddessDefense
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shiba-wars-goddess-defense/id6474090746

(Some examples of the animations)

    Related Discussions

    2bfanboy Your animations are awesome! 😃 The characters themselves seem soft and cute, but the power of their attacks is firmly felt, and their movements are well expressed despite their short duration. The VFX animations are excellent as well. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

    7 days later

    @2bfanboy Your animations are so cool! 😎 As Misaki already mentioned, they really feel like having a powerful impact! 👍️ Also love the built-in "camera shake" in the second animation, really great work!