It's interesting that today I went to debug my colleague A, and I only did one operation, which was to uninstall a series of recent Windows security updates, quality updates, and other updates before Spine could open normally. I have completely closed the updates, and I'm afraid I won't be able to uninstall or solve them in the future. So I advised him not to shut down his computer from now on. We have relied on uninstalling system updates twice in a row to solve the problem, and I think this must have reference value. Regarding file or program permissions, we haven't made any adjustments

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Colleague A only has the built-in Win10 antivirus program in their system, and I have closed it. Additionally, we have been using Spine for over a year, and this issue has been occurring consecutively recently. I hope to be aware of it

That's pretty wild, as Windows updates shouldn't mess with Spine. IMHO running the latest updates is just asking for trouble. Sledgehammer can turn them off, while still allowing them to be run manually.

Windows Defender (the built-in anti-virus) can eat a lot of resources needlessly in general, but isn't known to cause problems with Spine.

If you run into the files not being locked again, it will be interesting to see what process Lock Hunter shows as locking the files.

    Good news, we spent half a day solving it
    We are not sure which steps worked, but now we have basically solved the problem

    1. Install all Windows updates
    2. Uninstall VSCode++Microsoft Common Environment
    3. Use 360 security tools to clean the computer and fix vulnerabilities
    4. Find all files associated with Spine on the computer and delete them all

    Finally, we installed version 4.0.37 for colleague A


    Do you mean you installed the Spine launcher version 4.0.37? That's quite old. It's better to install the latest launcher, which is 4.2.14. You can always run any editor version with the latest launcher.

      I'm sorry to inform you of the bad news again. This morning, colleague A encountered another problem after working for almost an hour
      Bad news, colleague A found out that he had logged into another Windows account after briefly opening and using it. He then restarted his computer and returned to his own account, but couldn't open it again. I think we need to continue following up on the issue
      I will follow your suggestions and provide you with the latest version for problem testing. We believe that the latest version will provide a more comprehensive experience. I would like to express my gratitude again for following up on the issue. Thank you very much for your hard work


      Sorry you keep having trouble. We'd love to figure out what is going on.

      Windows updates, virus scans, uninstalling apps, deleting files, etc may accidentally help but they are more like voodoo or shots in the dark. I suggest focusing on the specific problem and error messages. Especially if Spine can't lock files, using Lock Hunter will tell you what process is preventing Spine from locking the files.

      Again most of your logs were the 4.0.37 launcher. Use the latest launcher.

      BTW, you said you closed Windows Defender, but it is notorious for being difficult to stop. While Spine should work fine with Defender, there are tools like this if you want to try without Defender:

        I guess this is not related to antivirus software. We have had this issue too frequently recently, and there have been no previous issues. Two of our classmates are currently using the latest version of 4.2.14, which proves that we are not fixated on the old version. The following is the log of the new version:
        Spine Launcher 4.2.14
        Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024|
        Windows 10 Enterprise amd64 10.0

        I want to make a small summary of the twists and turns of this test, because I miraculously repaired colleague A's Spine for the hundredth time. This time, it is the same as colleague B's repair method. That is, unplug both monitors, and then plug one of them into the integrated video card. The Spine can miraculously turn on, and then we can plug all the monitors into Nvidia's video card to work, and tell us not to turn off Spine again until we find the real reason

        When you are installing updates regularly, it's constantly changing things. Same with running antivirus at all, it can download new "virus definitions" and cause problems for software that it didn't bother before.

        Some of my questions have gone unanswered. Are all your users on Windows?

        Some of my suggestions have gone untried. Please try running with --trace.

          I'm sorry, I did subconsciously overlook this. How to use the line spin. log -- trace in the code
          Is it okay to use the combination key Win+R and enter cmd on the running interface