- 确保在应用贝塞尔曲线时,所有相关的关键帧都被正确选中。
- 检查是否有任何关键帧的属性被意外更改。
- 尝试在不同的Spine版本中重现此问题,以确定是否是特定版本的问题。
如果问题仍然存在,您可以考虑将您的Spine项目发送给Esoteric Software的支持团队,以便他们能够更详细地调查和解决此问题。
It's hard to tell, but I guess you are referring to the jump in size that happens to the selected bone in the viewposrt despite the curves indicating otherwise?
I can't really tell what the cause would be (I'm doubtful it is a bug as Spinebot says, probably it's due to some nested property like a parent bone also scaling, inherit not being checked, or something of the sort) however these are just guesses, we'd need to inspect the project. Could you send it to contact@esotericsoftware.com mentioning this thread please?
bena Thank you for sending us the Spine project that can reproduce the problem! I have confirmed that I can reproduce this issue with Spine 4.0 and 4.1 as you described, but not with the latest 4.2, so I assume that this issue has been fixed in 4.2. Please upgrade to 4.2 to resolve this issue, as 4.0 is a version that we have already finished updating and we cannot make any changes to this version.
As a way to fix this popping behavior in 4.0, there seems to be a problem with the default Bezier curve, and moving the handle even slightly seems to solve the problem. As far as I have tried, changing the angle or length of the handle just slightly quickly fixed the popping behavior, which may be easier than repeatedly pressing the Bezier curve button.