• Bugs
  • display bug scaling a slot from 100% to 0% in 1 frame


I've built a very simple animation of 3 rings scaling up and fading out, each ring animation is offseted from the others.
due to the offsets, 2 of the rings needs to be scaled from 100% to 0% or 10% in 1 frame, this causes a display artifact, that happens when playing the animation inside spine, and when our developers ran this animation in the game engine.
It doesn't happen when I scrub the timeline frame by frame, and when exporting a png sequence.
looks like spine still displays the subframes between the two keyframes even though the ring's scale is 100% at frame 10, and 10% at frame 11.

attached is the small animnation, I am using spine 3.6.46 and the project runs at 30fps

any solution for this?

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switching to stepped on those keyframes, solved the problem.

Cheers! 🙂 :beer: