
  • Aug 15, 2024
  • Joined Oct 5, 2017
  • Hi Nate,

    I try to unistall and reinstall Spine with my license number, I try to start Spine on another computer and same popup.

    I don't understand why it doesn't working anymore ๐Ÿ˜ข

    EDIT :

    Acutally, it's working now :o !
    I just update the spine.exe and everything is alright.

    So I uninstall spine, restart my PC, download Spine.exe from my personnal license's link, launch the spine.exe from my desktop, and it's work fine, I'm so glad ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi everyone,

    I'got a message when I try start Spine today, I nerver get it before this moment . I'm on windows 10

    I try to restart my PC, I try to disconnect and reconnect my internet, no firewalls, I try to unistall and reinstall Spine with my license number, I try to start Spine on another computer and same popup ๐Ÿ™

    I dont' know what can I do now, any idea?

    I'm freelancer so this issue is pretty critical for me, I cannot work anymore for this moment :tear:

  • Hi !

    I just add you on discord ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Hi,

    Iโ€™m a 2D animator on Spine for video games. I have 5 years of experience and have developed strong abilities in managing optimisation and technical constraints, understanding development issues and respecting deadlines. My expertise covers game creation processes, 2D graphics and 2D animation. I am proactive in finding technical and graphic solutions.

    In terms of quality, I strive to produce animation rendering on the same level as the game Vanillaware.

    Working in teams for the past 5 years have taught me to have a strong team spirit and to foster an positive and enthusiastic environment. I also like playing RPG games in my downtime, where I can strategically manage my teams and their skills and abilities!

    Please, take a look to my works here:

    Have a good day ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi,

    Iโ€™m a 2D animator on Spine for video games. I have 5 years of experience and have developed strong abilities in managing optimisation and technical constraints, understanding development issues and respecting deadlines. My expertise covers game creation processes, 2D graphics and 2D animation. I am proactive in finding technical and graphic solutions.

    In terms of quality, I strive to produce animation rendering on the same level as the game Vanillaware.

    Working in teams for the past 5 years have taught me to have a strong team spirit and to foster an positive and enthusiastic environment. I also like playing RPG games in my downtime, where I can strategically manage my teams and their skills and abilities!

    Please, take a look to my works here:

    Have a good day ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi,

    Iโ€™m a 2D animator on Spine for video games. I have 5 years of experience and have developed strong abilities in managing optimisation and technical constraints, understanding development issues and respecting deadlines. My expertise covers game creation processes, 2D graphics and 2D animation. I am proactive in finding technical and graphic solutions.

    In terms of quality, I strive to produce animation rendering on the same level as the game Vanillaware.

    Working in teams for the past 5 years have taught me to have a strong team spirit and to foster an positive and enthusiastic environment. I also like playing RPG games in my downtime, where I can strategically manage my teams and their skills and abilities!

    Please, take a look to my works here:

    Have a good day ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi guys ๐Ÿ™‚

    A dev in my team use Spine 3.7.58 (he use the Essential version of Spine) He install it today.
    Does this new version have a bugs?

    He try to open a Spine character, animated in 3.6.53 and Spine crash after 10 second whatever Setup or Animate mode :S

  • Hi Erikari, thanks for the answer!

    Actually, I'm already aware about "upscale" and "downscale" a skeleton with the right picture size (I mean "import data way") and it's really useful for some cases of my project ๐Ÿ™‚

    About moving the vertices with and without "deformed" check, I don't have problem. But, just like Toby said: "I have to rebuild complicated meshes frequently"
    So my principal issue still to cannot control de resize of my mesh when it's only upscale for 1 pictures. And, when the picture is already big, it's impossible to scale up my mesh. Redo a complicated mesh mean "reset" mesh (and lost the weight) or redo all the mesh.

    But I'm glad a improvement is on your list, thanks you very much about that ๐Ÿ™‚

    I try a different way to fix my issue.

    1) I go to "backup" folder and found a old previous version of my work in Spine, without my "small" mesh issue.
    2) I save it on new folder
    3) I import all my last animations to this "save spine version" and it's work pretty well (I just have to adjust little details to finalize, but it's look good ^^)

  • Hi guys,

    I'm on Spine 3.6.53

    I noticed an difference between a picture's resize "upscale" and "downscale" from Photoshop to Spine. In fact, the "downscale" work fine unlike the "upscale", and I don't understand why :wonder:

    Step 1: This is my picture with mesh, in spine

    Step 2: I edit the picture in Photoshop, to make my picture smaller

    Step 3: In Spine, the render look fine

    Step 4: I go back in Photoshop, and edit again the same picture to make it bigger

    Step 5: In Spine, the render look broke

    Step 6: In Edit mode of mesh, I can see my new big picture, but the mesh doesn't fit anymore :S

    So, my question is, why the resize of the mesh work only in on one way? In addition to, I realize it's not possible to take all the point of my mesh in "edit mesh", and use the scale tool to upsize it.

    Because of this, sometime I have to redo all my complex meshes, I spend several time to only do this of retakes.

    (If I remember, some guys in the forum already posted things about "use the scale tool" to manage the point in "edit mesh". But I don't find the post, sorry if I repost the same thing about this point)

  • Hi,

    This is my website, you can see my animations (monsters, character, fx)
    I'm actually, working on a big project since a couple of years, so I cannot show you my recents works because the project is not release yet...

    Anyway, let's me know about what you need and what is project ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Sorry, it's not easy to explain precisely what the issue is ( ^-^);

    So the fact is, the option "combine subdirectories" doesn't works when you export with the "normal" way.

    -When it's select with "normal Export", it's make only 1 atlas at the end.

    -When it's not select with "normal Export" , it's make only 1 atlas at the end.

    If this option work, we can do separate atlas directly in the "classic" Export's option, and manage all the atlas at the end.

    Since I use "Texture packer" option in different projects, I always have to do the link between the Json and the Atlas.
    I mean, it's logic to have a link by default and unselect the option if you need to generate only the atlas :yes:


  • Ho thanks, I will try that the next time ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I mean, it make senses I think to have this kind of window:

    With texture packer option:

    Without the texture packer option (actually in spine):

  • Hi Erikari ๐Ÿ™‚

    Actually, you right, it's working pretty well with your way to export. It's fine now , thanks !

    Little question: Do you know why the option "texture packer" is not the same windows of "export" in spine?

  • Hi guys, I've got a issue to found a easy way for Texture Packing using subdirectories :/

    Currently, it's very impractical to export a spine with an atlas that doesn't combine images from several subdirectories.
    We have to:
    1) Export the skeleton as binary (or json) without generating the atlas. (otherwise it will only generate one texture with everything combined as mentionned in the documentation)
    2) Export using Texture Packer to export the atlas
    3) Edit the resulting atlas because it doesn't reference the images the same way as the .skel

    With a folder structure like this:

    The resulting atlas will reference images like this:
    rotate: false
    xy: 0, 3

    But the .skle / .json expects them to be referenced like this:
    rotate: false
    xy: 0, 3

    Notice the "images/" folder that's added when using Texture Packer.
    The images are referenced properly when using the "create atlas" option during the binary export (But then the atlas only contains one texture)

    Are we doing something wrong? We're not sure what's the point of using the Texture Packer export if skeletons can't use the resulting atlases directly.