
  • Sep 7, 2021
  • Joined Jan 4, 2016
  • Thank you so much, it looks like I can export the 3.8 version files using 4.0 (as 3.8 does not have versioned exports that I can find) and import without issue to 3.7. I think she updated recently, thankfully, but I have requested she set her projects to 3.7 so we won't have any further issues.

  • Is there no plan to make spine-unity 3.8 for Unity 5.6? It seems my artist was on auto update and now I have no ability to import the new assets into our 5.6 game due to the lack of package support.

    I can understand removing Unity 5.6 support with the upgrade to 4.0, but I did not expect it with 3.8. Is there a way that I can downgrade the 3.8 files she made to 3.7 if there is not going to be a Unity package compatible with Unity 5.6 for Spine 3.8?

  • I ran into the same issue today. Reinstalling Spine fixed it.

  • I set up an event listener as recommended here: Coding for Spine Events and AnimationState callbacks and I am using latest of Spine 3.7.

    And this is my event handler:

    void HandleEvent(TrackEntry trackEntry, Spine.Event e) { Debug.Log("Bull audio event triggered: " + e.Data.String); // Play some sound if the event named "footstep" fired. switch (e.Data.String) { case "footstepRun": Debug.Log("Play a footstep sound!"); break; case "hoofStomp": Debug.Log("Play a stomp"); break; case "crashImpact": Debug.Log("Play an impact"); break; } }

    I am testing with the hoofStomp, which I can confirm is in my skeleton.json:

    "events": [ { "time": 0.6, "name": "hoof", "string": "hoofStomp" } ]

    The event triggers and works fine if I use e.Data.Name and then compare to "hoof", but e.Data.String returns an empty string / null when the event triggers.

    Bull audio event triggered: 
    bullChargeBehavior:HandleEvent(TrackEntry, Event) (at Assets/Scripts/characters/monsterScripts/bullChargeBehavior.cs:139)
    Spine.AnimationState:OnEvent(TrackEntry, Event) (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-csharp/AnimationState.cs:80)
    Spine.EventQueue:Drain() (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-csharp/AnimationState.cs:1193)
    Spine.AnimationState:Apply(Skeleton) (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-csharp/AnimationState.cs:251)
    Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation:Update(Single) (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/SkeletonAnimation.cs:189)
    Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation:Update() (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/SkeletonAnimation.cs:178)
  • Yes, the animation was exported from Spine 3.7 and I am running the Spine 3.7 SDK in Unity (I know because it broke all of my animation state logic for the animation of another boss, which wasn't covered in your upgrade guide).

  • I just upgraded my Unity project to 3.7.

    My newest animation is giving me trouble.

    When I call:

    skeletonTop.state.SetAnimation(0, "KrakenTentacleDownTop", false);
    skeletonTop.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "Foreground";
    skeletonTop.state.AddAnimation(0, "KrakenTentacleIdleBase", true, 0f);

    The "KrakenTentacleIdleBase" animation starts before the "KrakenTentacleDownTop" animation completes.

    However, if I comment out the AddAnimation, the KrakenTentacleDownTop animation finishes without issue.

    I've compared this by testing both while going frame by frame in Unity.

    I'm not sure what to do about this, aside from switch to tracking state.Complete and then SetAnimation myself from there. I would prefer to be able to get AddAnimation to queue properly.

  • Hi Jaf,

    Your portfolio looks great, what are your current rates?



  • I'm currently working on a game called Potions: A Curious Tale that revolves around a young girl working to become a potion master in a world riddled with fable and fairy tale influences. She must adventure into the dark and mysterious areas surrounding her town to battle monsters and find ingredients to craft potions to help her friends. Her only method of fighting is using the potions themselves, so they act as ammo as well as help progress the plot and solve puzzles.

    We have successfully Kickstarted the game and now are just working on content creation. Our current 2D animator has limited availability, so we are looking for another to assist.

    The main camera angle is a three-quarters view, as you can see in our trailer:

    We switched from illustrated characters (as seen in the trailer) to a cell-shaded approach to help them pop more against the scenes.

    Please provide examples of your previous work and contact me at renee@stumblingcat.com

    I have a Spine art test prepared for any artists that seem promising. Unfortunately, we do not have the funds to pay you for the time the art test takes.

    Thank you!

  • I saw you're looking for work. Do you have an animation reel or examples I could check out?

  • The SortingOrder and OrderInLayer appear to be exposed as public variable in the inspector for the SkeletonAnimation script. However, I cannot manage to access them via any code pulling in the SkeletonAnimation component.

     Loading Image

    Does anyone know how to access these in script? I need to change both during runtime for my game.