
  • Dec 27, 2015
  • Joined May 7, 2015
  • Hi,

    I exported my hero with the mecanim way, not baking, just instantiate mecanim to use the animator controller.

    I have a problem with the loops of the animations inside a blend tree, I have the "loop" activate and reboot unity, but the loop still not working. I have other loops (idle, walk, run), and these are working, so I think that something is happening with the blend tree.

    Somebody is using blend trees in mecanim with Spine characters??

    Thanks in advance.

    **EDIT: Finally, I've used sub state machine instead blend trees and It works!.

  • Hello,

    We're Underdog Studios, an indie videogame development team, and we're looking for a 2D animator that works with Spine. We're currently working on a demo for a Kickstarter campaing for a puzzle platformer such as The Cave or Valiant Hearts. We've seen your work and we really think it'll match our style, so we'd like to know your prices.

    If you want to know anything else, feel free to contact us at info@underdog-studios.com

    Alvaro Gonzalez

  • Hi, I'm having problems when exporting the animations to Unity. Every time I edit one animation and export to Unity, all the animations are repeating on the Controller, so I have several anims with the same name.

    Any idea??

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • Waiting for this!! I need the controllers too!
    Thank you Mitch, keep us informed.

  • Hi,

    I've exported my json files to Unity and I'm having problems with the SpineLit Material (see attachment). If I try with other materials (sprite, standard) there are other problems (sprites with modification on the scale are fully blacks but the character appears correctly).

    Any idea to solve this?

    Thank you!