
  • Dec 7, 2024
  • Joined Apr 25, 2019
  • @mumu The amount and quality of content is really amazing given that you do this all yourself! Especially like the second video showing the monsters and weapons.. Keep up the good work, wish you the best of progress!

    • mumu replied to this.
    • @mumu I remember the last character demo reel and was amazed by the amount and quality of characters given that you're doing this game all alone. This is reallty some achievement, it's now great to hear you're getting to the final stages of development! We hope that this also goes as planned and we see a Steam release in the not-so-distant future! 😎

      Regarding the youtube title, I've noticed a typo: it reads "Inde Game" instead of "Indie Game".

      Also in the embedded youtube video, the video part is added twice, once normally with audio (0:00 - 2:26), and then a second time with only silence from 2:26 onwards. Don't know if this is intentional, it just seems like the video track was accidentally added twice and should end at 2:26.

      • mumu replied to this.
      • Misaki wrote

        Thank you for sending the video, I have confirmed the crash can be reproduced with the steps you described. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but please wait a little longer until we fix the problem.

        I have created an issue ticket for this problem:
        Finally, I found that the crash can be reproduced with a quite simple project. Thank you for reporting the problem, @mumu.

        Thank you for your reply. 😃 😃 😃

      • Thank you for sending the video, I have confirmed the crash can be reproduced with the steps you described. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but please wait a little longer until we fix the problem.

        I have created an issue ticket for this problem:
        Finally, I found that the crash can be reproduced with a quite simple project. Thank you for reporting the problem, @mumu.

      • @mumu Thank you for sending your Spine project! I confirmed it, and it looks normal. I think the difference is that the animation doesn’t enable repeat. Please see this section of the user guide for more information:
        曲线图 - Spine用户指南: 重复