
  • Jul 20, 2022
  • Joined Jul 18, 2018
  • Thanks very much for sharing your experience @refractedthought, much appreciated!

    refractedthought wrote

    (of course SkeletonAttachment would make this super easy wink wink nudge)

    Your voice has been heard. 🙂

    In general the SkeletonRenderSeparator component should be similarly easy to use as a SkeletonAttachment component, you just set the separation Slot where you want to insert (attach) your GameObjects at, then you can place as many GameObjects with a BoneFollower component each as you need.

  • @refractedthought If everything goes well, I will be able to start working on it today.

    We are glad to announce that support for multiple atlas pages, render separator slots and SkeletonGraphicCustomMaterials has finally arrived for SkeletonGraphic! :nerd:
    Info about it can be found in the Changelog and on the spine-unity documentation page.

    • Added support for multiple atlas textures at SkeletonGraphic. You can enable this feature by enabling the parameter Multiple CanvasRenders in the Advanced section of the SkeletonGraphic Inspector. This automatically creates the required number of child CanvasRenderer GameObjects for each required draw call (submesh).
    • Added support for Render Separator Slots at SkeletonGraphic. Render separation can be enabled directly in the Advanced section of the SkeletonGraphic Inspector, it does not require any additional components (like SkeletonRenderSeparator or SkeletonPartsRenderer for SkeletonRenderer components). When enabled, additional separator GameObjects will be created automatically for each separation part, and CanvasRenderer GameObjects re-parented to them accordingly. The separator GameObjects can be moved around and re-parented in the hierarchy according to your requirements to achieve the desired draw order within your Canvas. A usage example can be found in the updated Spine Examples/Other Examples/SkeletonRenderSeparator scene.
    • Added SkeletonGraphicCustomMaterials component, providing functionality to override materials and textures of a SkeletonGraphic, similar to SkeletonRendererCustomMaterials. Note: overriding materials or textures per slot is not provided due to structural limitations.

    A separate blog post will follow soon, but we don't wan't to keep the info from you.

    You can download the latest 3.8 spine-unity unitypackage here as usual:
    Spine Unity Download

    Hope you like it! 8)