Hi everyone,
Thanks again for Spine and the great updates !
I think I'm running into a bug although I might doing it wrong.
I'm doing something pretty standard : using 1 track for a pose, and 1 additive track for breathing motion.
Here are some videos :
Pose (preview in Spine Editor) :
Breathing (preview in Spine Editor) :
Expected result (preview in Spine Editor) :
Actual result (in Unity) :
As you can see, it is additive indeed, but the breathing animation keeps adding over itself, but only the scale part (translation & rotation are fine).
Here is the code :
//First track : Pose
Spine.TrackEntry trackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, "Surprised_01", false);
trackEntry.MixBlend = Spine.MixBlend.Fisrt;
//Second track : Breathing
Spine.TrackEntry trackEntry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetAnimation(1, "Idle_Neutral", true);
trackEntry.MixBlend = Spine.MixBlend.Add;
Am I doing it wrong ?
Thank you in advance.