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Cocos2d-x Spine Atlas and Skeleton Caching
Hi All,
Is there a best practice for caching spine atlas and skeleton data in Cocos2d-x? There's been a few posts on the subject (in which people decided to write their own caching maps), but I figure with things changing so quickly all the time I should ask before diving in myself.
Here's a few of the posts I've found related to the subject:
Cocos2d-x - Batch all Skeletons / Sprites from one atlas
Skeleton Animation performance
Went ahead and implemented what seems correct.. please let me know if I've missed something:
static unordered_map<string, spSkeletonData*> skeletonDataMap;
static vector<spAtlas*> atlases;
SkeletonAnimation* createWithFile (const std::string& skeletonDataFile, const std::string& atlasFile, float scale) {
spSkeletonData* skeletonData = NULL;
auto iterator = skeletonDataMap.find( skeletonDataFile );
// TODO - optimize - some skeletons use the same atlas - we could map the atlases too
if( iterator == skeletonDataMap.end() )
spAtlas* _atlas = spAtlas_createFromFile(atlasFile.c_str(), 0);
CCASSERT(_atlas, "Error reading atlas file.");
spSkeletonJson* json = spSkeletonJson_create(_atlas);
json->scale = scale;
skeletonData = spSkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataFile(json, skeletonDataFile.c_str());
CCASSERT(skeletonData, json->error ? json->error : "Error reading skeleton data file.");
skeletonData = iterator->second;
SkeletonAnimation* node = new SkeletonAnimation(skeletonData, false);
return node;
And then I cleanup the cache in between stage loads:
void cleanupCache()
for ( auto it = skeletonDataMap.begin(); it != skeletonDataMap.end(); ++it )
spSkeletonData_dispose( it->second );
for( auto atlas : atlases )
The caching part seems correct.
spine-unity does something similar. (it also caches the atlas.)
What's likely a good setup is that you generate the cache at a loading screen so the json loading can be done there, then just use it when you need to create new skeletons.
Cool, thanks for reviewing my code Pharan.
That's pretty much how I'm using it - caching during the loading screen.