Is it possible to use an Atlas with Corona? If so, is there an example? The Spineboy example is using separate images. I am using LevelHelper or TexturePacker for making the Atlas.
Corona SDK - Atlas?
- Edited
There isn't an example, sorry. Corona doesn't make it easy to use an atlas, which makes me feel like they don't really worry about performance. Corona only seems to support numeric atlas look up. Maybe you can use a numeric suffix in your image names. Anyway, you can specify the group to use in the constructor. You can use an "image group". Then in the skeleton's createImage method, you can look up the image. See here: ... d-sprites/
Thanks for the quick response. Too bad about Corona's issues.
Ideally I would like to import an Atlas from TexturePacker for example, instead of a file of images into Spine. I really don't want to have to create an Atlas from code if I can avoid it. Naming the images by number, or whatever system makes it work would be fine with me.
I really like the workflow of Spine, hopefully it will be possible to make it play nice with Corona. Perhaps you should write to Corona with these issues. It would be in both your interests to have a smooth workflow.
Corona cannot draw quadrilaterals (see here). I brought this up with them on February 2nd, 2013 and they said:
So about quads, we're currently working on the next-generation graphics engine and we will definitely support it in there. If I can get some spare time from an engineer, I can see what we can do to add it into the current engine, but definitely it will be in the next engine which we hope to have an alpha for you to play with by late March.
It is now 4 months later and 2 months past March and I haven't heard from them about it. Corona is a 2D toolkit that can't draw a quad and has limited texture atlas support. This is fundamental functionality, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do.
Thanks for the feedback. Too bad about Corona. Perhaps I may have to think of another engine. From the viewpoint of Spine which engine offers Atlas support and the best Spine performance?
steveR, Spine was developed using libGDX which Nate is one of the authors of, so of course our answer will be libgdx
I believe all runtimes and game toolkits except for Corona support texture atlases. Shiu is of course right, libgdx is the best and supports Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and HTML5. And it is free.