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Has anyone done pistons in Spine?
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If so, what expert advice can you offer me on how to rig them to look natural while controlling movement with IK points for legs and such.
Edit: Hydraulics
I did a simple test for something like that, long before IK was around (placeholder graphics only). As I never finished the project it was for, so I didn't bring it up to date. I don't think I can offer any advice right now, as I did it the hard way, of making sure everything lined up
I always thought pistons were those things that turn a linear movement into rotational movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piston#/media/Fileiston.gif
I am definitely talking about what Larzhog described. My animator is trying to figure out the best way to setup our rig to auto-mate this type of movement and is struggling a bit to figure it out.
Seems like all you need is two IK constraints (each 1 bone) that make two bones point toward at each other, then you'd attach the images for the hydraulics (they aren't pistons). Eg:
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Hydraulics! Okay! Thank you. My english is horrible
Hydraulics ! Thanks Nate. My bad too