• Unity
  • SkeletonGraphic(UI) Problem

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Does anyone know what this is all about? The same role, different results.

Note that SkeletonGraphic is not compatible with multiple textures because the base component "UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic" is not compatible with multiple textures.

You can find the experimental multi-object version of SkeletonGraphic here: http://esotericsoftware.com/files/runtimes/unity/spine-unity-experimental-SkeletonGraphicMultiObject-3_6-2018-04-19.unitypackage
You'll have to go through GameObject>Create>Spine>SkeletonGraphic MultiObject to create a new object since it does not hook into the drag and drop interface.

Dear Pharan,

You have been my lifesaver! Thank you so much.

Dear Pharan,

Does multi-object support change attachment? like this : skeletonGraphic.Skeleton.SetAttachment("slot", "name");

2 months later


I'm using Multi object skeleton graphic and it all in all works great, however it seems to have a problem with masking.
I'm placing the character in a masked container and mask has no effect on the character (while affecting single UI skeleton Graphics at the same time)

This is a huge problem for me, and one I need to solve fast due to upcoming deadline.
I believe the MultiObject skeleton was mentioned to be maskable, so maybe this is a setup problem on my side or simply a bug.

I'd appreciate a quick response if possible.

2 years later

I am running spine json and binary files both in Unity. In which, I can smoothly use the skeleton of the particular spine but whenever I use the graphic of the particular spine, the performance of specific spine is corrupts or jitters. so please give me a proper idea to run a graphic in Unity using Spine

Sorry to hear that you are facing problems with SkeletonGraphic! In general, please open a new thread for a question that does not match the heading of an existing recent thread. That keeps things more organized and easier to follow.

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