• Bugs
  • Spine not launching on Windows 10

I'm running into an issue where Spine won't launch (both the licensed professional version and the trial version).
I've restarted my computer multiple times, turned off my firewall, whitelisted the Spine installation folder, updated Java and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, did clean uninstall/reinstalls of Spine/Spine Trial, ran the application as administrator, etc...
It's not launching on another monitor/display, and isn't popping up in my Task Manager processes.
Also, there's no spine.log file in my Spine folder.

I attached my system info too, if it helps!
Thank you!

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Can you please download and reinstall Spine to ensure you have the latest launcher (3.7.27, released 2 days ago)? Has Spine ever run on this computer? Try opening a command prompt and running Spine.com like:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine

Do you get any messages in the console when you do that?

Hi Nate,

Spine has never run on this computer.
When I tried to open Spine through the cmd prompt, it gave me this message:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine>Spine.com
Failed to load JVM DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine\launcher\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
126: The specified module could not be found.

(I looked in the folder and there was a jvm.dll file in it)

Spine provides its own Java, you don't have to mess around installing that (Oracle's Java installer can install browser plugins and annoying background update checks!). You don't need Java installed at all to run Spine.

While "module" is quite vague, that error message indicates that a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable module can't be found. Spine should come with everything needed, however we recently made big changes to the launcher. It could be a new dependency that we haven't noticed is missing because most computers already have the redistributables. It will take some time for us to setup a fresh Windows install to test. In the meantime, if you'd like you can try this:

Copy these two files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine\launcher\jre\bin\msvcp120.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine\launcher\jre\bin\msvcr120.dll

C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine\

Hi Nate,

Thanks so much! Copying those two dll files fixed my issue.
And thanks for the tip on the Java installer too! 🙂

Great! We have updated the launcher with a fix. If you download and reinstall Spine, it should now work without needing to move those files. :party:

2 years later

Spine won't launch and it looks like I don't get any errors either.

C:\Program Files\Spine>spine.com
Spine Launcher 4.0.20
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0

I've been reinstalling spine a few times but it never starts. It did start before, but one day it didn't anymore. Could someone help?

@Ronsku We've had a couple reports of what looks like the same problem you are having. There's more info in this thread. So far it seems to be a graphics driver problem when using multiple displays. Are you using multiple monitors?

A workaround that worked for the user in that thread is to start Spine with only a single monitor connected. I realize this is terribly inconvenient, sorry! We very much would like to fix the problem ASAP.

Can you please let me know what graphics hardware you are using?

6 days later

Thanks @Nate! Wow this fixed it. I'm running 3 monitors.

This is a HUGE bug in the software. Hope they can fix it asap!

Yes, it's a serious issue. Strangely enough it doesn't happen for everyone, even with very similar hardware.

I believe we've fixed the problem in launcher version 4.0.21 and editor version 4.0.43-beta. Both are released now! Please note you'll need to download and reinstall Spine to get the latest launcher.

2 months later


I came across this post while searching for the problem I'm having, which is Spine not starting. I'm using Spine 4.0.54-beta and I'm still having this problem. I just installed a clean version yesterday. I have to actually restart my computer with my two extra monitors disconnected (turning them off isn't enough). I get no log files, and I get no message if I run Spine.com. I'm running Windows 10.

I don't know how you can tell what the launcher version is, although I downloaded it yesterday. Any ideas as to what is happening here? Is there anything I can provide that might help solve the issue?


@denin Sorry you are having trouble. We have a troubleshooting page here:
Spine Troubleshooting

You can see your launcher version in your spine.log:
Spine Troubleshooting: spine.log
It is the first line, like Spine Launcher 4.0.25. The latest version is 4.0.25.

Do you see the launcher window at all after you run Spine?

Are you running any antivirus software? That is the most common reason Spine is unable to start, especially if it appears that Spine just does nothing at all (no windows appear, no spine.log file is created). Please try disabling such software.

You say you ran Spine.com, did you do so from the command line, or by clicking it in Windows Explorer? To be clear, you want to run Windows' Command Prompt then type:

cd C:\Program Files\Spine

That may print some clues.

Since you seem to have some relation between disconnecting monitors (and rebooting, which is understandably frustrating), it could be a video driver problem. Are you running the latest graphics drivers for your hardware?

Thanks for the response Nate. Thanks to your hint, I managed to pin point the problem down to antivirus software. I had checked before, but I didn't dig deep enough. Strange that it allowed me to start the application once after a reboot, and that it only worked with my monitors unplugged, which misdirected me.

Anyway, for anyone else who stumbles across this:
I'm using Bitdefender and I had to to go to the "Online Threat Prevention" section, then "Manage Exceptions", then add a new exception by adding Spine.exe with all the exceptions turned on (Ie. it will be exempt from all checks).

Cool, glad you figured it out! Thanks for the extra details, it may help others. :beer:

In the next launcher version we will show a dialog for this type of crash that indicates it may be an antivirus problem. It's tough because it could be a legitimate crash in some cases.