
I have some animations that translates the whole character from the root position to another position (a charge attack, sliding, etc.). As far as I know, this should be handled correctly with whatever they call as "Root Motion" (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Animation/RootMotion).

Is there such feature here for UE4?

If there is none, can someone guide me which part I should take a look to apply Root Motion to UE4 with Spine? I'm fine if I have to deal with this myself, but I'm barely new to Spine and UE4 so it'd be much helpful on where to start looking by concept (the bone, where to update, how to link to the root motion, etc.).

I have done my own "Root Motion" thingy in other game engine before (that engine doesn't have such thing unlike Unity and UE4) but I think UE4 is a bit complex related to its collision shapes. One thing that comes up with, I was thinking to simply take a "root bone" world location of the Spine skeleton and re-sync it with the capsule or the actor itself frame by frame, but not sure if that's the right way to do it here.


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Just to clarify: your animations in Spine already contain root motion, and you want a collision capsule to follow along. The simplest way to do this is to use the SkeletonFollowerComponent, to which you can parent your collision shape (Spine-UE4 Runtime Documentation: Skeleton Follower Component). Use this on the root bone, and your collision shape should follow along with the root motion of the animation.

Gosh I didn't read them all very well! Thanks a lot for clarifying, Imma try this with happy heart. 🙂