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need help: SkeletonGraphic (UnityUI) for 2+ materials
Hi guys,
I'm having an issue that I don't know how to solve - I have a big skeleton with many different assets used as skins.
The thing is output atlas works with 2 png files - it works just fine for normal Skeleton Animation, but looks like horrible mess when I try to attach it to Unity UI using SkeletonGraphics (UnityUI) - my guess is Unity UI allows only 1 material file to be used, while this character is using 2 (and will use more in the future due to the game concept & mechanics).
Is there any workaround for this? Really need help on this
Runtimes: spine-unity-3_7-2018-10-18-beta
Spine Pro: 3.7.44-beta
SkeletonGraphic uses UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic to better integrate with Unity UI.
MaskableGraphic can only accept one texture. This is why SkeletonGraphic can only use one texture.
There is an alternate form of SkeletonGraphic that uses multiple canvas renderers. It sacrifices some Unity UI features like masking, so that it can use multiple textures. But we don't have a version right now that was checked against the 3.7 beta.
Pharan wroteThere is an alternate form of SkeletonGraphic that uses multiple canvas renderers. It sacrifices some Unity UI features like masking, so that it can use multiple textures. But we don't have a version right now that was checked against the 3.7 beta.
do I understand you correctly, that there is a workaround for Unity UI, but it wasn't tested for 3.7?
How can I use it (for example in lower versions) - can you give me a hint?
I'm fine if this solution will work even with bugs, as the game will be in development for around half a year more. In general I just need to understand if there WILL be a solution, because I have a lot of different armors and weapons and they should be dressed over the same skeleton at gui (inventory and statistics screen)