• Editor
  • shortcut to toggle attachments under a bone?

I know that I can R-Click on the Hierarchy's visibility dot to toggle the whole tree under a bone but it only affect the slots instead of the attachment. However, for controlling visibility for animation, what I need to toggle is the attachments but not the slots.
So I wonder if there are shortcut that I don't know for doing this. Tried Ctrl+R-Click, Shift+R-Click, nothing works.

This kind of task is happening all the time. My characters often need to switch a part between different perspectives. Toggling everything one by one under a bone is quite tedious. e.g. imagine arms in normal idle animation VS arms doing attack with total different perspective and they have fingers animation so there are quite a number attachments (arm parts, finger parts,accessory on the arm, etc) under a arm node.
If there is no such shortcut for toggling attachments under a bone. I suggest spine to add it. e.g. Ctrl+RCick, or something else, etc


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