• Editor
  • feature request: blend animations in editor

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As a programmer I want animations separated.. i.e. wings flapping, some other things..
my artist would love to have those animations as part of their other animations while they work..

could we have the ability to edit while another animation is blended in?

i.e. I select my wings animation and spine can see that only the wings are animated, and will automatically apply that animation while I playback my other animation..

I'm not requesting that the blended animation is included in the animation I am editing - only that it can be present in that animation as a "guide" to help them work on movement.. Failing that they have to copy and paste the loop of the wings (or other) animations in to the animation they are editing then delete it afterwards..

Does that makes sense? is it feasible.

So you want to be able to watch one animation while working on another one? In your example you want to see the playback of the idle wing flapping animation, then be free to work on anything else that's going on with that character (e.g. facial expressions) while viewing the flapping as a reference?

4 years later

Is this still a backlog Item? i'd really like to be able to see how the animations blend as i'm creating them.

You can preview blending using the Preview view. It's available in both Setup and Animate modes.

It currently doesn't have the option to infinitely loop a preview of blending between two animations while you work though. That sounds useful.
But it falls into the broader stuff we want to be able to do with the Preview view, like preview a sequence of animations.

Currently, you can work the animation, then make Preview view switch between animations. That will show you what the blending looks like. You can also type in your preferred blending duration.

If you meant "blending" as in playing multiple animations at once, you can do that now. Preview view has multiple tracks and you can make it play "run" on track 0 and "shoot" on track 1 and it will preview the resulting running and shooting movement. You can do this while making adjustments to the animations themselves so you get real time feedback.