• Bugs
  • Spine imagesheet Problem

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I am finding difficult to find solution for this problem. The problem is when i use the images as such , there is no problem with the spine image.
But when i convert in to an image sheet the bones are getting displaced and image size is getting reduced. Any solution is appreciated, Thanks in advance.

Kumar ks.

Which runtime are you using and you updated to the latest one on github ? We need a little more information to be able to help.

i am using corona runtime and using the old one.

Spineboy.lua itself is not working in my simulator , what could be the problem ? I am using corona build 2014.2162 pro version. pls give me some solution . I downloaded the latest spine .lua.

Right now i am using Version 2 of the spine.lua, when i try to execute the sample spineboy.lua is not working. Image is displaying but none of the animation is working. Pls suggest me some solution. I am using corona version 204.2162, pro .

It could be corona has been updated and the runtimes haven't. I will take a look soon.

will await update/info too so I can get working...

4 days later

When i see the spine in esotericsoftware it looks good , but when i load the same in to my corona projects the bones are getting displaced . What would be problem ? Whether problem is with the spine or in my corona, Pls its making my project worse, give me a solution soon.

15 days later

I'll be back from my trip soon.

I'm back and trying to catch up on support so I can work on the runtimes. Please stand by a bit longer, sorry!

6 days later

When will i get the update ? Its delaying my work for weeks . Release it as soon as possible.

thanks Nate - re Corona, I'm guessing it may not be in scope of this item, but any examples/support for converting a character or ragdoll would be great....

23 days later

Hi nate,

Hope your working hard on the runtimes, I have a doubt, pls reply when you see this . Is it possible to start a new animation on Completion of other animation. Is there any parameter like onComplete in the setAnimationByName() , if not is it possible to add.

kumar KS.

You can use state.addAnimation

For example

state.setAnimation(0, "idle", true);
state.addAnimation(0, "walk", true);

This will start out with an idle animation and once that completes it will start the queued walk animation.
If you aren't using state, you take a look at https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... e.lua#L192 for how it is done there.

a month later

Hi nate and shiu,

 In my project i am using few animations in which the  Y scale is not working properly . But in spine software its working fine. I have attached a sample corona project to illustrate the scenario and the also the spine file . In my project there few buttons which will play different animations  with respect to X and Y scale. In that except the first animation nothing is working according to the animation. Is this problem with Runtime or the spine software.  :( 

kumar KS.

I'm having some internet issues atm so I can't set up Corona right now, but can you give me a few more details on what the problem is exactly. "Not working according to the animation" isn't very descriptive. I'll set up Corona tomorrow and test it if my internet is running as it should.

That is when we scale through the Y scale , the bones getting displaced in corona (its becoming upside down).

Any chance you can record a small video of it?