- Edited
Issue to edit the scale's mesh
Hi guys,
I'm on Spine 3.6.53
I noticed an difference between a picture's resize "upscale" and "downscale" from Photoshop to Spine. In fact, the "downscale" work fine unlike the "upscale", and I don't understand why :wonder:
Step 1: This is my picture with mesh, in spine
Step 2: I edit the picture in Photoshop, to make my picture smaller
Step 3: In Spine, the render look fine
Step 4: I go back in Photoshop, and edit again the same picture to make it bigger
Step 5: In Spine, the render look broke
Step 6: In Edit mode of mesh, I can see my new big picture, but the mesh doesn't fit anymore :S
So, my question is, why the resize of the mesh work only in on one way? In addition to, I realize it's not possible to take all the point of my mesh in "edit mesh", and use the scale tool to upsize it.
Because of this, sometime I have to redo all my complex meshes, I spend several time to only do this of retakes.
(If I remember, some guys in the forum already posted things about "use the scale tool" to manage the point in "edit mesh". But I don't find the post, sorry if I repost the same thing about this point)
Hi Calire! I think the user guide actually explains why this happens and that you'll have to move the vertices back in place if you upscale here: Meshes - Spine User Guide: Image resize
Nate's answer here: Can't move big groups of vertices in edit mesh mode might also be useful to understand how to fix the mesh in your case.
here's a procedure for fitting high res images into a previously low res skeleton: Fitting new high-res assets with a smaller skeleton?
An improvement of this behavior is on our list for the future: Prompt for user decision when mesh images are resized · #205 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
Hi Erikari, thanks for the answer!
Actually, I'm already aware about "upscale" and "downscale" a skeleton with the right picture size (I mean "import data way") and it's really useful for some cases of my project
About moving the vertices with and without "deformed" check, I don't have problem. But, just like Toby said: "I have to rebuild complicated meshes frequently"
So my principal issue still to cannot control de resize of my mesh when it's only upscale for 1 pictures. And, when the picture is already big, it's impossible to scale up my mesh. Redo a complicated mesh mean "reset" mesh (and lost the weight) or redo all the mesh.
But I'm glad a improvement is on your list, thanks you very much about that
I try a different way to fix my issue.
1) I go to "backup" folder and found a old previous version of my work in Spine, without my "small" mesh issue.
2) I save it on new folder
3) I import all my last animations to this "save spine version" and it's work pretty well (I just have to adjust little details to finalize, but it's look good ^^)