• Bugs
  • Crash when open a "old project" Spine

Hi guys ๐Ÿ™‚

A dev in my team use Spine 3.7.58 (he use the Essential version of Spine) He install it today.
Does this new version have a bugs?

He try to open a Spine character, animated in 3.6.53 and Spine crash after 10 second whatever Setup or Animate mode :S

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I have the same problem with this version. The spine.log says that everything started succesfully

Same for me = it crashes as soon as I run it. here my log

can't work for now(( Not even run pervious version.

Wow so fast! :heart: thanks!!! :party: :yes:

I'm using the Spine Trial of 3.7.58, and I'm seeing similar behaviour. I'm not super familiar with Spine and so I'm not sure where to find the spine.log file. If anyone can help me out there, I could potentially corroborate this bug. ๐Ÿ™‚

pressing F12 to open settings dialogue and racing to switch to 3.7.57 allowed me to continue work today xD. Took me around 20 tries but I got it eventually

Sorry guys! 3.7.58-beta had a problem. It was only up for a half hour or so, then 3.7.59-beta fixed it.

@booboogaga, glad you got it sorted. Don't forget to go back to the latest beta!

BTW, if Spine has trouble starting, you can set the version you want in your version.txt file here:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\version.txt
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/version.txt
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/version.txt

Create it if it isn't there. Inside the file put the version you want, eg 3.7.57-beta. Delete the version.txt file to use the latest version.

I can confirm that the issue I was seeing has been resolved. Thank you Nate. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Nate I knew you'd probably fix it within a hour but I found a way and had a good laugh about it. I know you guys are working hard!

I also imagined you can set the version via editing some text file, now I know exactly which one.

Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚