- Edited
Unity Root Motion with SkeletonAnimator
Hey guys,
I wanted to use root motion with my spine animations so I tried this script:
The problem is that I use the SkeletonAnimator component, so I won't work.
Is there any way to use root motion with the SkeletonAnimator?
Thank you very much
[Edit: removed incorrect text claiming that it was already supported. See new answer below]
Harald wroteIf you use SkeletonAnimator (or SkeletonMecanim as it's called in 3.7) you can precisely animate the root bone in Spine and then tick "Apply Root Motion" at the Animator component on the Unity side - that shall apply root motion at runtime as desired, without the need for the script you mentioned.
Hey, is this still the case ? I can't seem to get it to work.
Oh dear, back then I posted incorrect information, very sorry about that! Root motion for SkeletonMecanim
was not supported out of the box back then.
We have an issue ticket for root motion support at SkeletonMecanim