- Edited
Multiple Skeleton Animation
What is the best way to create animations where multiple skeleton interact?
I can import the same skeleton twice but I don't see any way to control the z-order.
I could also create a second root and then manually post process the json but that seems a lot more work.
Both skeletons are the same, simply utilizing different skins.
Hello! runtimes such as unity have a Skeleton separator https://github.com/pharan/spine-unity-docs/blob/master/spine-unity-skeletonrenderseparator.md that allows one skeleton to be in front and in the back of another.
If one single skeleton should have the animations of both skeletons interacting, I would do as follows:
in the editor, I'd duplicate the skeleton
create an animation for each skeleton (maybe using different names for each animation, but it's important that both are selected)
animate each skeleton interacting
when the time comes where the two skeletons need to be one in the middle of the other, I might duplicate the "external one" for preview porposes and temporarily hide the slots that should be behind to check out the effect.
once done with the editor animations, I'd reimport the animation from ne skeleton into the other, and delete all the copies so that only one skeleton remains
at runtime, I'd use the above link, to insert the second skeleton in the middle
That's what I was missing! Thank you!