• Bugs
  • [Unity] flipping cause missing texture.

My dog is losing texture when simply flipped using the Skeleton.ScaleX.

mSkeleton.ScaleX = lookVector.x < 0 ? -1f : 1f;

I am using the latest version (3.7) of Editor and runtime.

dog export.zip

Related Discussions
7 days later

This is a serious bug on non-beta version.
Will this be fixed soon?

Unfortuntaly it turned out that it was not only a problem in the Spine-Unity runtime. Responsibilities have been shifted between programmers, which always costs some additional overhead, in addition to a very busy week. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

It turned out that this is not a bug but behaviour as intended (related to your constraint setup), please see the comment by Nate in the issue ticket here:
[runtimes] Scale of -1 results in incorrect bone orientation · #1373

oh, thank you. :grinteeth: