- Edited
UE4 Masked Material Lighting Issue.
Looking for any info or help regarding this, I could be wrong but it seems the meshes used from the Spine Skeleton Render component might have the wrong normal information, Causing the materials to act as if the light source is much farther below them than it actually is.
I have displayed the material on both the Render Component and a standard static mesh box, when moving a light source around the scene it is possible to see what is going on. Panning left or right works as expected, but moving the light up or down shows the issue.
For ref, here is a masked material with no normal applied, and the 2nd is the world normal buffer- to better show the issue.
I found another post on here also referencing this issue (http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/UE4-Unreal-Light-Support-11900?p=53285&hilit=UE4#p53285), but the material fix shown inside does not actually solve the problem. (This edit does light the object better, but removes the ability to use any proper normals and does not 100% fix the light, just moves the problem around -This is with that fix posted https://gyazo.com/3fe111d7ab677b78a02622689fbb9233)
Thanks for any time.
Just an update, I ended up using -
To temporarily resolve the issue, although it would still be great to get this looked at. Thanks!
Thanks for reporting! We let UE4s ProceduralMeshComponent generate the normals. Could you let me know what UE version you are working with? I've created an issue here [ue4] Generated normals appear to be incorrect · #1377
I've updated the code of SpineSkeletonRendererComponent
to explicitely generate normals. I've also added a SpineLitNormalMaterial
, which is a masked material to be used with light sources. I get the following result:
You can find all of the above in the latest commit on the 3.8-beta branch.