- Edited
Animation Frames Bug
I do not know what goes wrong, I think others should also appeared in the BUG.Relatively high probability it appears.
In the same project.
I finished the first object: Object A.
I copied object A, re-named object B. Remove bones and re-import pictures, I did not delete the state, but I removed the state frames.
In the same operation, when I finished object B, I also completed the object C, object D, object E ...
Then, BUG suddenly appeared. Every object in one or two animation becomes disorder and confusion which adds many new frame.
I guess this "Copy Objects" operation resulting the BUG.
I came here for help, because this BUG has appeared many times .
I had to repeat organize my animation.
Because I do not know the cause, I am also worried about the error appears again
This is really killing me.
I have found the reason for generating this BUG.
Not "Copy Object" caused.
The reason is:
After I finished object A.
I started making objectB.At the same time, I hide objectA, but I did not hide animation1 in objectA.
When I made objectB,I use the "Auto Key" button.
Obviously, whenever objectB automatically generate a keyframe, The animation 1 which in objectA also generates a keyframe.
I've tried many times.
I think this is a very serious BUG, which makes your "auto key" will affect the animation is not hidden in the project of each object.
Hi, I'm having some trouble reproducing the bug. When you say you create an object, what do you mean? You created a skeleton, animation, or something else? Maybe it is easiest if you give step by step instructions, eg open spineboy, duplicate skeleton, enable auto key, rotate bone, etc.
I’m sorry my English is not good enough.I re-explain it again.
You do not need to see my post 1.At that time I had not found the real reason.
Your BUG mainly because of "auto key" caused.
I created Skeleton A.
I created animation1.
I finished animation1.(Just do a normal animation.It has roots, bones, framekeys)
Then,I created Skeleton B. Importing Pictures,created roots.
When I do step 4, I must hide Skeleton A.
In Spine's “Hierarcy” Panel,I did not hide animation1.
Note that:At this point I could not see Skeleton A.
Although animation1 "Display" did not cancel in the “Hierarcy” panel ,but I also could not see animation1.I created animation2 in the Skeleton B.
(Next, BUG will appear):(Here is the Important key)I use the "auto key" to create frames in animation 2.
Go back and check your animation1.
There were many new frame key in animation1.
Your "auto key" will affect the animation which is not hidden.Despite the Skeleton contains animation are hidden.
When I created Many Skeletons.
In each of the Skeleton, one animation is not hiden.
Any of my "Auto Key" command made these animation add one frame key.
Finally,This picture of the situation appeared.
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9MYyri ... sp=sharing
Hmm. Auto key keys all edited bones any time a bone is changed. If you change a bone in skeleton A without auto key, then enable auto key, then edit a bone in skeleton B (without scrubbing the timeline), it will key both bones because it is the same as pressing K after changing a bone. This should be pretty rare though, and would only result in a single extra key. I followed your steps but haven't been able to make editing animation2 add extra keys in animation1.
I put my action recording into video,you can see that.
I mean is: one "auto key", one frame key in other animation which is not hiden.
Another BUG:
When I was using "Ghosting" in one animation,all animation have had ghosts.
Thanks for the video! Very strange bug. You can see why it happens in an even simpler way: when you hide a skeleton and scrub the timeline, the bones for the hidden skeleton have a yellow key dot because Spine thinks they have been edited. That is the root of the problem, then because auto key is like pressing K, it keys all edited bones. I mention this just so you can keep an eye on the key dots next to bones, if they turn yellow when you haven't edited a bone, please let me know!
Anyway, I fixed the problem in 1.6.02, which is uploading right now.
I'm glad I can help you.Hope your spine can become better and better.
I also hope that it becomes perfect.
Another question:
When I was using "Ghosting" in one animation,all animation have had ghosts.
Is this what you want,or a BUG?
Because in most cases, we do not need all the animation generation ghost.
Oh, sorry I forgot to mention the ghosting. Yes, when ghosting is turned on it is turned on for all skeletons and animations. However, you can check "Selected" in the ghosting dialog, then it will only show ghosts for the selected bones. This can help to reduce clutter from too many ghosts.
I'm sorry.
I tried to use the "Selected", but it seems does not work.
Should work. Eg here only the hand is ghosted because only the hand bone is selected and "Selected" is checked:
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Yes,you are right.It had work.
But,this bone was ghosted in all animation.This makes the “ghosting”Function have only little value.
Have you considered made “KeyFrame” for ghost.
Of course,I am more looking forward to "Freeform" and "bounding boxes".These features are more important!
Ghosting only keyframes also is possible:
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Bounding boxes are already in:
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