I'm a new user to Spine-Unity and I haven't had much experience yet. I recently downloaded the Spine package into my Unity editor and a lot of new files were added. Essentially, I was wondering if all these files were indeed necessary to track from a Git perspective. If not, what files am I able to ignore? Does anyone have an existing .gitignore file that has been setup to optimally track Spine-Unity files? Thanks!
Spine-Unity gitignore file
- Edited
You don't want any of the spine Unity assets to be ignored in git. Otherwise you will lose references to those assets or any custom settings that you set up.
Thanks, Harald, for responding! I'm not sure if every file from the package is necessary. Files such as the CHANGELOG.md or version.txt can't possibly be required to properly run Spine. However, if every other file aside from these are required, then gotcha.
Sorry, I have misunderstood your question there. I thought you meant whether you should add some of the skeleton asset types (e.g. the skeleton .json
file) to the gitignore list.
Since you are talking about the Spine
and Spine Examples
I would add the complete
directory and not care about excluding single files, as they don't take up much space and might be helpful in knowing e.g. what version you are currently using on your team.Regarding the
Spine Examples
directory: I would either put this whole directory on the .gitignore list or simply delete it if you don't need it anyway.
Okay! Yeah, this makes sense to me. I looked through all the files yesterday, and I completely agree with you. Thanks for your time!