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Spine Launcher 3.8.82
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Enterprise x86 10.0
Up to date: Spine 3.8.99
Spine integrity check failed.

It may be a good idea to try to reinstall Spine if the integrity check has failed.
This page can help:
Spine Troubleshooting


Do you have an antivirus or firewall interfering with the Spine files? please make sure to add an exception.
您是否有防病毒软件或防火墙干扰了Spine文件? 请确保添加例外。

请从您的许可证页面重新安装Spine。 您正在运行的Spine启动器版本已过时,该版本不再起作用。 您可以在许可证页面上找到最新的Spine launcehr的下载链接。

Please reinstall Spine from your license page. You are running an outdated version of the Spine launcher which no longer works. You can find the download link for the latest Spine launcehr on your license page.