• Unity
  • How to to change to another SkeletonDataAsset in game?

For example, my character has a ability to transform to a dragon from human.
I have created a SkeletonAnimation instance in game, then I want to change its SkeletonDataAsset to another SkeletonDataAsset .

(I know I can use two gameobjects to achieve this, but I just want to know can that be possible.)

This is my code, and in fact it works.
I want to know is this a correct way to do this?

public SkeletonDataAsset data1;
public SkeletonDataAsset data2;
void ChangeToDataAsset1()
    SkeletonAnimation sa = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();

sa.skeletonDataAsset = data1;
void ChangeToDataAsset2()
    SkeletonAnimation sa = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();

sa.skeletonDataAsset = data2;
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Spine.AnimationState state =
SpineUtil.ReloadSkeletonDataAsset(h.gameObject, h.GetKaihuaSkeletonDataAsset(), "kaihua");
state.Event += h.HandleAnimationStateEvent;

like this~

gllame wrote

I want to know is this a correct way to do this?

sa.skeletonDataAsset = data1;

Yes, this is the correct way. As @c6u2 mentioned, you need to re-subscribe any event listener callback methods to the newly created skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.

c6u2 wrote

Spine.AnimationState state =
SpineUtil.ReloadSkeletonDataAsset(h.gameObject, h.GetKaihuaSkeletonDataAsset(), "kaihua");
state.Event += h.HandleAnimationStateEvent;

@c6u2 Thanks for adding your remark of having to resubscribe to AnimationState events.
It might only be pseudo-code, but I'm not sure which method you are referring to with SpineUtil.ReloadSkeletonDataAsset. While there is a method SpineEditorUtilities.ReloadSkeletonDataAsset available, it's part of the Editor and therefore not available at runtime in your game.

public static Spine.AnimationState ReloadSkeletonDataAsset (GameObject g,SkeletonDataAsset res,string skinname) {

    SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation = g.GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
    if (skeletonAnimation == null)
        return null;

if (res == null)
return null;
skeletonAnimation.skeletonDataAsset = res;


    Spine.AnimationState state =null;
        state= SpineUtil.AllChange(skeletonAnimation,"kaihua");
    return state;

Sorry,this is the method.

No need to apologize, thanks for the clarification!