你好, 我有一张48x48的像素图片, 但是导入后看起来像是加了锐化, 是我需要更改哪些设置吗?

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emm, 刚才试了一下纹理打包器, 导出的图集是没有问题的, 只有编辑器内部显示是这样的

一楼表述错误, 把 模糊/平滑 说成了锐化

    Init 您可以在像素艺术的Spine设置对话框中更改视口 - 平滑 选项. 默认值为 8,但对于像素艺术,应设置为 0. :
    You can change the Viewport - Smoothing option in the Spine settings dialog for pixel art. The default value is 8, but for pixel art it should be set to 0:

    • Init replied to this.
      8 months later

      I want to set this parameter again, but I can't find it anymore.
      Spine 3.8.99

        Init Unfortunately, Spine 3.8.99 does not have the same smoothing option as 4.x, but you can disable Graphics -> Viewport linear filtering for pixel art.

        • Init replied to this.

          I use Python scripts for batch generation, and through the command line, I make Spine read a pre-exported atlas packing configuration file to export the atlas. Do I need to modify specific parameters in the configuration file, or do I just need to disable this option in Spine?

            Init The Spine Settings options cannot be changed from the Texture Atlas Pack Settings JSON file. Launch the Spine Editor once to change the settings, then run the export in the CLI or overwrite the settings file in your user folder. Please refer to the following page for the user folder path:

            By the way, our forum now has a translate button so you can post your question in your native language:

            • Init replied to this.