Hello there! I'm reaching out again with a new problem. We are using the Skin.GetRepackedSkin method to collapse the multiple materials we have after we mix and match characters parts into 1 material. The problem is this method is cutting the alpha so much that we have body parts bleeding into other parts bounding box within the atlas. The only way we found so far is adding red pixels in the corners of each texture, so the algorithm does not cut the alpha. This worked, but sadly it is a no-go since we are generating images using AI, and apparently having the AI add those points is not easy. I took a look at the code, and is seems to be using Texture2D.PackTextures internally, which does not have any kind of parameter for a different alpha treatment. I'm no expert when it comes to images format and stuff, but the only parameter that seems related in the GetRepackedSkin method is the TextureFormat, it does not sound like it will help though. Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
PS: I know we could use padding, but even with a 256 padding we still have overlap for some reason, and 256 is already a lot of wasted space
EDIT: This is using the unity package btw