Hi !
I've noticed you've updated the main branch to 4.2, cheers 🍻

So, I wanted to share with you something that I find bothersome because it make my PC really lag a lot.
When I'm exporting a skeleton, I always do JSON and binary because - don't ask me why I don't know - only one of them work, and it's not always the same. I've got 60% on JSON and 40% on binary, and it change every time I change something in the project (I can share the project and export if you want).
But it isn't a big deal, as there's always one that work.
The only thing is that when the Skeleton is set to one that doesn't work, then the error is starting to loop without stopping while it's show in the inspector.

It's kinda boring because it really lag a lot. Like 20 to 30 second to click on something else.
And when I'm switching between json and binary, I need to open it in the inspector, click (and hold) on the wanted skeleton, drag it to the emplacement, releasing it upon it ...

What is making me think it's a bug, it's that there's an button "Attemp reimport"

Anyways, it work perfectly when it's set to the right skeleton, so nice job 👌

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    Yesssss, we've released 4.2 because it's stable now, but haven't made the announcement yet. We'll do that soon!

    Pentacles I always do JSON and binary because - don't ask me why I don't know - only one of them work

    😮 This is the first issue that should be fixed. As long as you have the same major.minor version of the editor and runtimes, both formats should work. If not, please let us know so we can fix it.

    Next, you should not use JSON unless you have a good reason to do so. There is really only one such reason: you want to be able to read the data with your squishy human eyes. Otherwise, use binary. It's smaller, faster, and better.

    Pentacles It's kinda boring because it really lag a lot. Like 20 to 30 second to click on something else.

    This is your punishment for not letting us know so we can fix it! 😉 How can we see this problem?

    Pentacles I've got 60% on JSON and 40% on binary, and it change every time I change something in the project (I can share the project and export if you want).

    You should never accept such abysmal failure rates, please do let us know whenever encountering such issues.

    Which exact version of the spine-unity runtime are you using? Please be sure that whenever you're updating to the latest beta Editor version you're also updating to the latest spine-unity package as well, otherwise when the editor exports in a newly modified format, the runtime expects the old one and fails at importing your skeleton.

    With 4.2 no longer being in beta-state, that's also a good timepoint for updating the spine-unity runtime.

      I've just came to update the spine unity package to the lastest version (I mean the last time, before the errors)
      I'll admit I didn't update Spine itself (The launcher I mean), I did it last time ... Four month ago I think ? I'll update it right now.
      So when I had that error I was :
      Spine launcher : 4.2.02
      Spine version : 4.2.02
      Unity runtime : 4.2 updated 2024-04-17

      Right now I am :
      Spine launcher : 4.2.13
      Spine version : 4.2.03
      Unity runtime : 4.2 updated 2024-04-17

      I've tried exporting again (both JSON and Binary) the Resting Pose.
      The result stay the same, for this one Binary work and JSON make an error.

      Error reading skeleton JSON file for SkeletonData asset: Resting Pose_SkeletonData
      Skin physics constraint not found: Back Hair - Ankha Left - 0
      at Spine.SkeletonJson.ReadSkeletonData (System.IO.TextReader reader) [0x01303] in C:\Users\Pentacles\Desktop\Unity Project\Nymphomania---Fantasy-Town\Assets\Plugins\Spine\Runtime\spine-csharp\SkeletonJson.cs:363
      at Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset.ReadSkeletonData (System.String text, Spine.AttachmentLoader attachmentLoader, System.Single scale) [0x00017] in C:\Users\Pentacles\Desktop\Unity Project\Nymphomania---Fantasy-Town\Assets\Plugins\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Asset Types\SkeletonDataAsset.cs:281
      at Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData (System.Boolean quiet) [0x000d5] in C:\Users\Pentacles\Desktop\Unity Project\Nymphomania---Fantasy-Town\Assets\Plugins\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Asset Types\SkeletonDataAsset.cs:180
      UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
      Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset:GetSkeletonData (bool) (at Assets/Plugins/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Asset Types/SkeletonDataAsset.cs:183)
      Spine.Unity.Editor.SkeletonInspectorPreview:Initialize (System.Action,Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset,string) (at Assets/Plugins/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Asset Types/SkeletonDataAssetInspector.cs:833)
      Spine.Unity.Editor.SkeletonDataAssetInspector😮nInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Plugins/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Asset Types/SkeletonDataAssetInspector.cs:209)
      UnityEngine.GUIUtility😛rocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

      Do you want I send you a project ? With exported JSON and Binary (I can send more than one project, though I've only got two of them that are SFW)

        BTW, the error happen even on a new project. I'm using the animation and the errors are the same for the two of them. Same JSON / Binary, it is stable in the error 😂

        @Pentacles Sorry to hear the issue persisted! Yes, please send us your problematic Spine project (including the image assets) as a zip package. You can send it to contact@esotericsoftware.com, briefly mentioning this forum thread URL so that we know the context. Then we can have a look at it.

        I've sended it. Hope it will help you.
        Feel free to ask me information about how the file work if needed !

        @Pentacles Thanks for sending the reproduction project! We could reproduce the loading error issue when loading either of the two .json files. The issue also occurs with Skeleton Viewer, which means that it's a general runtimes issue and not limited to spine-unity. We will let you know once we've figured out what's going wrong. Unfortunately I will be unavailable next week, so it might take a bit longer than usual this time until the spine-unity runtime gets a potential fix.

        @Pentacles One more question, since the two problematic files are both the .json files which issue a similar error: You mentioned that you receive errors with binary export as well sometimes, could you please also send us one or two problematic binary projects as well (it's not problem if it's not SFW)? It would be important to inspect these as well, since this might be a separate issue.

          Sending it to you very soon then.
          I'll try to grab two binary project then, just in case.

          Don't worry, as long as one of them work, I'm fine with it !
          Let's just hope it won't change 😅

          I am almost done updating all my scenes (there's 14 scenes) and hum ... All of them are usig binary now, all of them got bugged JSON.
          I can't send you a project where binary doesn't work but json work ... Maybe a spine update solved the problem already for the binary ?

          Edit : I confirm, I finished updating all scenes to the lastest version I've done (So it update the spine version at the same time, from 4.2 beta to 4.2)
          None of them take json anymore and all of them take binary only.

          We fixed a problem with JSON exports in 4.2.04, thanks!

          There doesn't seem to be any problems with binary exports.

            That was fast🫡
            It had nothing to do with potential errors I could have made ?