• Editor
  • spine文件动画导出问题

骨骼有两个动画 比如一个人物张嘴和睁眼这俩动画 如果导出只会导出单独睁眼和单独张嘴
有什么办法能导出一个同时睁眼和张嘴的动画嘛 (我试过把另一个动画的关键帧复制到另一个动画上,但是效率太低了) ,希望有人能解答,非常感谢!

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  1. 合并动画:你可以在Spine中创建一个新的动画,然后将两个动画的关键帧复制到这个新动画中。虽然你提到过这种方法效率较低,但这是在Spine中实现动画合并的直接方法。

2. 使用动画混合:在Spine中,你可以通过设置动画混合来实现两个动画的同时播放。虽然这通常用于运行时而不是导出,但可以在游戏引擎中实现所需的效果。

  1. 脚本自动化:如果你需要频繁地合并动画,可以考虑编写脚本来自动化这个过程。虽然Spine的命令行接口目前不支持动画导入,但你可以在游戏引擎中使用脚本来实现动画的合并和导出。


    Spinebot :在Spine中动画混合的功能我找了一会 但是没有看到 可以辛苦详细讲解一下吗非常感谢💕

      Alexander Sorry, I think Spinebot's answer was confusing, so I added a strikeout.

      On the Spine editor, multiple animation combinations can be previewed using the Preview view. However, there is no functionality yet to save the combination. This is one of the features we hope to add in future versions, and an issue for this enhancement can be found here: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor371

      With the Spine runtime, you can play multiple animations simultaneously and export them in still or video format. We especially recommend using Unity with the Timeline extension, which is very useful and allows you to combine multiple animations and export them in a variety of formats without writing a single line of code. Please see the tutorial video that explains how to use it: