The runtime for StageXL got a few updates including a Canvas2D implementation for FFD. Unfortunately this may not be the best thing to use in practice since a FFD implementation for Canvas2D is pretty slow while same thing for WebGL is very fast. Still it was a fun experiment and it turned out it can be done. Maybe for small animations this could be even useful ๐ Other than that the runtime for StageXL got support for Flip Timelines. Have fun!
A new update for the runtime for StageXL was released. We fixed a few things and added support for all blend modes. One of the new features is the capability to load the texture atlas for an animation from a bigger texture atlas that combines several smaller texture atlases. The reason for this is simple: You can export different Spine animations and create an individual texture atlases for each animation (for example in the LibGDX format used by Spine). Later you can combine all those texture atlases into one bigger texture atlas to get best possible render performance.
The next version of StageXL will support polygon sprite meshes for texture atlases. This new feature was inspired by the upcoming version of TexturePacker which supports polygon packing and polygon sprite meshes. This may sound complicated but all it does is just packing your assets more tightly for less memory allocation.
Old texture: (1044x512 = 534528 pixels)
New texture: (708x541 = 383028 pixels)
And it still works: