• Bugs
  • Windows 10 - Spine Work Okay?

I'm anxious to upgrade my Surface Pro 3 to Windows 10, but I want to make sure all my dev tools work on it. I already read Photoshop and FL Studio are running fine... wanted to make sure Spine does too!

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I believe Spine should work fine on Windows 10, though I have not tried it personally.

Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

this isn't spine, just humorous don't want to cause any confusion. still on win 7 here

Thx @Nate!

BinaryCats wrote

Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

this isn't spine, just humorous don't want to cause any confusion. still on win 7 here

Is it just me, or did Something Happen? 😃


I'm on Windows 10 now and opened Spine, played an animation, and exported it. That all seemed to work fine!

I'm on the Insider fast ring on a separate machine. Haven't tried Spine on it. Good to know it works.

Well, this is expected. Sometimes, something happens.

I just did a clean install of Windows 10, downloaded Spine, installed it and... nothing happens, it doesn't start. When I try to run the program absolutely nothing happens. I tried running as administrator, in backward compatibility mode, re-downlaoding and re-installing, but still nothing happens.
Any Ideas?

trafcio, please post your Spine log.
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log


I do not even have <user home folder>\Spine folder :/
I just have Spine folder in Program Files.


Tried installing Spine on a fresh Windows 10 install (not my main PC).
Worked fine for me.

EDIT: Just did an in-place upgrade from 8.1 to 10. Spine didn't seem to break.
Still opens and exports. And generally, Windows 10: so far so good.

Do update us, @trafcio!

a month later


Recently I had to change hard drive and by the way installed plain Windows 10.
Right now, I cannot make editor running. I have look across the forum for possible solutions (and tried them). Even tried to install trial version.
Still have no success.

What is the problem? Maybe Spine is being blocked from the network?

Problem solved. After reinstalling Windows everything works fine.

5 months later

That is pretty extreme and should not be required, but I'm glad it is working!

An update for this old issue, we've identified a problem that could cause this (or something very similar) and fixed it in the latest Windows launcher (3.0.06).