I'm using latest starling runtime code and got artefacts as flickering horizontal lines.
Any thoughts?
I'm using latest starling runtime code and got artefacts as flickering horizontal lines.
Any thoughts?
This appears to be a texture filtering issue. Could you try adding padding when exporting the texture atlases? You can find that option in the texture atlas export dialog
Here is my export settings.
Padding is already there.
Could you try disabling "Bleed" in the output settings? Alternatively, could you send me one of your models to contact@esotericsoftware.com so I can try to reproduce the issue locally? Which Spine Starling runtime version do you use?
Tahk you for response!
I've sent problem animations by email.
I use latest from here spine-runtimes/spine-starling at master
Thanks! I've opened an issue here [starling] Graphical glitches with blending · #868