Mitch wroteThought I fixed this...
Darn, you actually did. I checked the latest runtimes and found I had an old copy really sorry for taking your time but thanks for the fix! It works
Mitch wroteThought I fixed this...
Darn, you actually did. I checked the latest runtimes and found I had an old copy really sorry for taking your time but thanks for the fix! It works
So I have an enemy that can do melee attack, for which I'm using Bounding Box.
I followed this tutorial:
My setup is basically the same. In the video, "WeaponHitbox" child object is used - I have it like this:
During runtime, when I deactivate the Enemy object (i.e. the parent of Rifle object), and reactivate it again, the Attachment Name "rifle_hitbox" disappears, like this:
When I then try to play the melee attack animation, I get an error just when the polygon collider should appear:
KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Spine.BoundingBoxAttachment,UnityEngine.PolygonCollider2D].get_Item (Spine.BoundingBoxAttachment key) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:150)
BoundingBoxFollower.SetCurrent (Spine.BoundingBoxAttachment attachment) (at Assets/Extensions/Spine/spine-unity/spine-unity/BoundingBoxFollower.cs:181)
BoundingBoxFollower.LateUpdate () (at Assets/Extensions/Spine/spine-unity/spine-unity/BoundingBoxFollower.cs:172)
Which indeed seems to refer to that missing "rifle_hitbox" Attachment Name.
Is there anything I can do to alleviate this issue? Can I somehow reset the BoundingBoxFollower manually after I've reactivated the Enemy parent object?
I'm using Unity 5.2.0f Personal.
Thank you very much!
I really dig that ground constraint functionality, but here's one thing that's not really clear to me - what if I wanted to have rigidbody component on that raptor, so that I can have gravity and apply force to him?
If I understand it correctly, by adding the rigidbody, the raptor would now "fall through" the platform underneath him. I would therefore need to add a boxcollider2d to the raptor, which would in turn interfere with those ground constraints - just try adding a boxcollider2d and then test the raptor on the an inclined platform - it looks weird.
Or better yet, here are some pictures from our test - just a simple sticky figure.
On the first picture, you see our sticky figure as he should look on a horizontal platform.
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However, when you rotate the platform to an inclined position, his hind leg stands out (second picture). The box collider is too low, preventing the ground constraints to do their job.
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On this picture, you see the sticky hero as he should ideally look on an inclined platform - which we achieved by moving the collider a little bit higher.
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However, when you rotate the platform so that it's horizontal, he now looks weird (a marriage proposal, maybe?).
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There's no way to position the collider in a way that would look good on an inclined plane and simultaneously look good on a horizontal plane. It's either or. We also tried to substitute the box collider with a small circle collider centered at the bottom, which looked slightly better, but not perfect, especially on higher inclines. We also tried having two circle colliders, one for each leg, but that doesn't work either.
Is there any way to use the rigidbody component and the ground constraints at the same time?
On a different note - thanks for all the hard work! It's really awesome just to be able to play with this stuff in the editor.