
  • Oct 8, 2021
  • Joined Mar 11, 2013
  • Spine 4.0.05

    The tool or export option to clean up animation deletes unnecessary keys. However, we can create movement with the graph even if the keys have the same values.

    This is lost after clean up.

    The clean up should consider the keys curves too besides their value.

  • On Windows, I don't know in what update but I'm using the Adobe Generator auto export image when editing.
    This working nice but now Spine start reloading (that green placeholder texture appears) never finish and the application slow down as it doing some heavy process.

  • If we shift bone keyframes with offset enable they loop in the timeline but it don't work with meshes.
    They will just exceed the loop's end line.

  • Hi, my name is Christian and I produce illustration and all kind of 2D assets for games.

    I have more than 9 years of game development studies and a wide base and experience on good methods and practices for real time implementation such multi-resolution optimization, segmented animation, tiles, multi-layer background and non-tile based assets to build organic levels.

    My background in coding can help in a nice workflow with the programmers, technical issues and feautures of your engine.

    I use Spine since the first release and can create anything from basic to mesh skinned animation.

    Email: <removed>


    Tiles, backgrounds, props and UI:

    Concept Art:

    Portfolio updated and available for work.

  • Thanks for the explanation.
    This for sure is more wise than set key for them all.
    Since I use GameMaker and don't have acess to the internal Spine functions I have do same coding to imitate that method.

  • Hi there,

    I don't get here often. I saw your message just now.
    You can reblog my works as you want.

    Tumblr resize my gifs making then very blured if I don't use my own links.
    It's actually resize it anyway but it's less strong.
    I do not know how to change it...

  • I haven't noticed flickering in Spine animations.

  • I'm using Spine and 3D in GMS and works nice so far.
    Impossible to help if you just say it doesn't work.
    Show an example, code, screenshot, process, gmz...

  • I'm talking about that drawing tools is not easy task to develop and you better do the frames in another software which have already years of development than wait a long time of it in Spine. 😃

  • Did you use your eyes to see the part that I wrote that it can be done animating attachments?
    If it's not what you are looking for, good luck waiting for Flash features in Spine.
    I'll enjoy them too.

  • The kind of animation done in Spine is quite different than Flash.
    Flash is frame based and drawing tool, each frame can have a different drawing than the previous.
    Spine is skeleton based.
    Just like skinned 3D, you can't use a completely different model each keyframe.
    It works transforming the setup model.

    You can get frames to play in Spine animating attachments.
    That dragon in the example files show it.

  • I can't use region attachment because often most of the animation require it with FFD.
    This strange thing for example:

    If the images update with Spine closed (or close without save) when I open the mesh is right.
    This is what I'm looking for.
    Not only for the test phase but any time I adjust an image I need to rework the meshes or restart Spine.

  • My usual workflow is do a flat image with just solid color and the lineart, animate it and then paint.
    To this, rather than using unique layers I do a lineart layer and a solid color layer for masking.

     Loading Image

    Using the Generator plugin for Photoshop which automatically updates/export files in edition time, I tell it to export the groups.
    This way I can "sketch/test" animations before spending time with details.

    But when using mesh, when I need to hide some layers the vertices' position are messed.
    The follow is the mesh before and after manipulating layers.

     Loading Image

    It seems like the vertices are clamped when the texture reduces size but don't change when size increases.

    The automatic update feature could keep the uv mapping.
    In other words, the normalized vertices multiplied by the image size.
    Thus, the vertices keep consistent no matter a change in size.
    This will help a lot realtime edition and visualization!

  • I love the great care about polishment for big and small details in your game.
    All those animations/interpolations add a lot in fun and graphical quality.

    Success in current and future projects!