
  • May 18, 2017
  • Joined May 18, 2017
  • Hey thanks! For now that one is the exact one I need.

    Hopefully someone can recover the PS psd_to_spine.jsx

    edit: never mind. I forgot that spine came with psd to spine code already.

    getting an error: "Unable to execute at line 1966. Function Object.create is undefined"

    Not sure what is causing it, could have something to do with me not having the original lib files; had to make them.

  • Error: "Unable to execute at line 1966. Function Object.create is undefined"

    Not sure what is causing it, could have something to do with me not having the original lib files; had to make them.

  • I lost the script because I got a new computer and forgot to make a back up for it. I was just going to go to the github page and redownloading it, but the page that had it is giving a 404 message saying that the whole Bee-Cave-Games github is gone.

  • Hello fellow animators, new here so its nice to meet everyone. I love this program by the way, it is everything that I have been looking for for years.

    I personally love 2D animation and have been studying a lot of different animation techniques. I am always looking to expand my knowledge, so I was wondering what other game animations or animators people find interesting and have learned a lot from.

    For the record my background comes from studying the animations of Castlevania Symphony of the Night (and the other Nintendo DS games) along with Vanillaware's games like Odin's Sphere, Muramasa the Demon Blade and Dragon's Crown.

  • Hello fellow animators. My first time here so its nice to meet everyone. And I love this program by the way, it is everything that I have been looking for for years.

    Anyway to the point. I did a search but couldn't find anything, the the code for After Effects and Photoshop export seems to be missing:
    To be more accurate the whole github that had the code is missing.

    It also happens that this is the same code referenced in multiple sections of the scripts section of the images page http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-images#Scripts

    I actually really need that specific code right now; is there anyone that has an effective method they found for exporting AE animation and PS files to spine or happen to have that code I can use? I appreciate the help.