
  • 13 days ago
  • Joined Dec 6, 2021
  • @Mario Thanks for your explanation
    be waiting for android support in the future

  • Also I noticed when .godot folder is deleted and Editor re-imported the assets I've got such output in log

    Godot Engine v4.3.stable.mono.custom_build (c) 2007-present Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur & Godot Contributors.
      Failed to create an autoload, script 'res://scripts/GameManager.cs' is not compiling.
      Unable to open file: res://.godot/imported/cat.png-65bd3f313402e9bf026bff52e079d919.ctex.
      Failed loading resource: res://.godot/imported/cat.png-65bd3f313402e9bf026bff52e079d919.ctex. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
      Failed loading resource: res://assets/spine/cat.png. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
      D:\a\spine-runtimes\spine-runtimes\spine-godot\spine_godot\SpineAtlasResource.cpp:74 - Can't load texture: "res://assets/spine/cat.png"

    this is a weird path D:\a\spine-runtimes\spine-runtimes\spine-godot\spine_godot\SpineAtlasResource.cpp:74
    perhaps it's a Virtual Drive withing Godot Editor?!

  • Hi, I've got errors from log adb logcat -s godot when try to run exported project for android
    The App doesn't load, only Godot Icon shows up.

    USER ERROR: Can't load dependency: res://assets/spine/cat_spine_skeleton_data_resource.tres.
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:461)
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Error when trying to parse Variant.
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:505)
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Error when trying to parse Variant.
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:492)
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://.godot/exported/133200997/export-51652f9d5c9453037b2bf9159a453860-npc.scn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
    10-04 13:54:14.687 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: _load (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:284)
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Can't load dependency: res://scenes/npc.tscn.
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:461)
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Error when trying to parse Variant.
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:505)
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Error when trying to parse Variant.
    10-04 13:54:14.741 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: parse_variant (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:492)
    10-04 13:54:14.742 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://.godot/exported/133200997/export-3ad5c15c4f3250da0cc7c1af1770d85f-main.scn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.        
    10-04 13:54:14.742 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: _load (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:284)
    10-04 13:54:14.742 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Failed loading scene: res://scenes/main.tscn.
    10-04 13:54:14.742 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: start (main/main.cpp:3897)
    10-04 13:54:14.743 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: Condition "default_certs != nullptr" is true.
    10-04 13:54:14.743 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: load_default_certificates (modules/mbedtls/crypto_mbedtls.cpp:361)
    10-04 13:54:14.762 25715 25762 E godot   : USER ERROR: No loader found for resource: res://.godot/exported/133200997/export-8979be626377eb1fcf5ed7cd4f2f0072-cat_spine_skeleton_data_resource.res (expected type: SpineSkeletonDataResource)
    10-04 13:54:14.762 25715 25762 E godot   :    at: _load (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:291)

    In Editor everything plays without errors and Spine Character shows correctly.
    I tried to delete .godot and re-import assets, checked for missing references but nothing helped.
    Is there any solution to deal with it?

  • Keizen try to use .skel.bytes instead of .json at this moment
    I'm goint to figure it out what's wrong with json

    • Crisilink wrote

      I'm having issues with the app and Idk how to solve this problems

      Sorry for a long answer, there's a war in my country. Could you provide some test files so I figure it out?

    • Mario wrote

      Interesting! Did you shade the two runtimes so you can supoort both 3.8 and 4.0? I could imagine some folks would find it useful to know how you approached that.

      The only way I found is to change package name so both runtimes don't conflict each other.

      Skin Compose added
      version 0.9.4

    • Luke wrote

      Hello coolerinc, thank you for posting!

      This app is a really neat idea. Thank you for sharing!


      Mario wrote

      Neat! What runtime are you using?

      Spine-Libgdx 3.8.99 and 4.0

    • Nate wrote

      Your company is free to allow 3rd parties to distribute applications containing the Spine Runtimes, such as you as an individual, Google, or anyone else. Only if those 3rd parties want to modify the application containing the Spine Runtimes, then they'd need their own Spine license.

      Thank you for clarification! Regards

    • I wonder is it legal to publish APK that includes Spine Runtime and libgdx on Google Play if my company has enterprise license but my developer account is differ from corporate email?
      I read this thread and there's said about 2 options:

      1) They can license Spine, which grants rights to build any number of applications using the Spine Runtimes. In that case, see Section 2 of the Spine Editor license:
      Spine Editor License Agreement: s2

      2) Otherwise they can include the Spine Runtimes license with their applications, which means each of the users of those applications needs a Spine license.

      Which option suits me?