Awesome work, congrats everybody!
I'm amazed by this big changelog, there is a ton of new things that i can try out
I only missing the time for that, but maybe if I do not sleep for a few days...
Awesome work, congrats everybody!
I'm amazed by this big changelog, there is a ton of new things that i can try out
I only missing the time for that, but maybe if I do not sleep for a few days...
Thanks for your fast response!
Bounding boxes also can work for me, i thinked about it yesterday, but the included debugSlot draw was too handy
I will try this tonight!
For the readers who might read this in the future, here is my solution (after 4 hour trying with wrong touch position):
- (void)touchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
CGPoint touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertTouchToGL:touch];
CGPoint locationInNode = [skeletonNode convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation];
spSkeletonBounds* bounds = spSkeletonBounds_create();
spSkeletonBounds_update(bounds, [skeletonNode skeleton], true);
spBoundingBoxAttachment* hitAttachment = spSkeletonBounds_containsPoint(bounds, locationInNode.x, locationInNode.y);
if (hitAttachment != NULL) {
//hitAttachment-> contains the boundingbox name
Thanks again for the help!
i need to detect touch events on the exported character slots.
What is the best way to achieve that?
I can get the touch location with the touchBeganUITouch *)touch withEvent
UIEvent *)event, but how i can get the slot list from the skeleton?
We found our animator.
koszonom a jelentkezesed. Kerlek irj egy emailt a jandzso.zsolt[at] cimre, atkuldom az infokat
Thanks for your apply.
Can we move to emails? i dont really like this forum, it has too much bugs.
My email address is: jandzso.zsolt[at]
I will send all the details to you.
thanks for your apply, pretty impressive jobs! I really like the animations
Can we move to emails, please? I dont really like this forum, it give me too much bugs...
My email address is: jandzso.zsolt[at]
I will send all the details for you.
thanks for your apply.
Can we move to emails? I dont really like this forum, it gives way too much bugs :S
my email address: jandzso.zsolt[at]
i will send all the details for you.
thanks for your interest.
Unfortunately this forum removes the emails. Can you please send me a mail to jandzso.zsolt[at] ?
i will send all the details for you
Thanks for your response.
Can we move to emails? This forums system give me soo much bug :/
here is my email address: jandzso.zsolt[at]
Please send me a mail, ten i will send to you all the details.
thanks for your interest
Can we move to use emails? This forum messaging doesnt really working... too much bugs
My email address is: <removed>
We are a small team based in Hungary. We are developing an application that combines the old-school Tamagotchi with exercise trackers. More info here:
We are in a strange situation: we already have a spine project with a complete rig and a few animations, but our animator cant work more for us :/
We are looking an animator who can make a few animations pro month till the next spring - that when we plan to release the new version.
We have a monthly 100-150euro budget, and we would like to have 4-8 animations for that (we don't need any complex thing).
If this is in (or close to) your range PM me or write to <removed>
i have an exist Spine2D project with a few animations, but i want to extend it a few more.
Nothing complex. Write a mail to me <removed> and i will send a few more details
Also, i have a little budget for the anims
Yes, I'm planning to use the official obj-c runtime. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with cocos2d, but i will read about it. Thanks for navigating me the right direction
we are planning to use Spine Runtime in a iOS project.
As we see the capabilities are perfect, but we have questions.
Is there a way to detect a gesture (like tap) on an animated character?
Can we manipulate the bones directly? Or can we somehow achieve a drag effect?
Thanks for your answers
i cant answer you :/
please send an email to the <removed> email address