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- Feb 27, 2013
- Joined Feb 10, 2013
I am not clear about how to parse regionSequence, could you post an example?
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I see document says:
color: The color of the slot for the setup pose. This is an 8 character string containing 4 two digit hex numbers in RGBA order. Assume “FFFFFFFF” if omitted.
But I think the order in skeleton example json is argb, not rgba. Am I right?
That's fine, I will change that when 1.0.9 released. So there is 11 days to release 1.0.9? I am waiting my license.
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I finished Spine support in WiEngine: https://github.com/stubma/WiEngine. Maybe something need to be polished or changed when final documentation is out, but the example json works like a magic. View the demo in WiEngineDemos_native/Node/Spine.
When you guys release Spine, please add WiEngine to supported engine list, thanks!
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I am adding Spine support and almost done. However, here is an interpolation problem and I need some advice.
I use example-animation.json for my demo, and here is animation definition for "right shoulder" bone:
"right shoulder": { "rotate": { "0": { "angle": "20.89", "curve": [ "0.264", "0", "0.75", "1" ] }, "0.1333": { "angle": "3.72", "curve": [ "0.272", "0", "0.841", "1" ] }, "0.6666": { "angle": "-278.28" }, "1.0666": { "angle": "20.89" } }, "translate": { "0": { "x": "-7.84", "y": "7.19" }, "0.1333": { "x": "-6.36", "y": "6.42" }, "0.6666": { "x": "-11.07", "y": "5.25" }, "1.0666": { "x": "-7.84", "y": "7.19" } } },
focus on the third rotate key frame: "0.6666": { "angle": "-278.28" }, its value is -278.28, previous key value is 3.72, so I interpolate between 3.72 and -278.28. However, the result is not correct, if I change -278.28 to 81.72(just add 360), everything goes ok. I understand -278.28 is same as 81.72, but it affects the interpolation. How do I know which value should be used?
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I am adding Spine support for my engine(https://github.com/stubma/WiEngine), and also I am a backer of Spine. Spine is great and I like it.
I found the example json is not very completed, so is there a doc about the json format? Or, is there an example json which contains all keys?